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Grain Free/paleo Diet Made Things Worse For Me?


Posted : 07/08/2015 11:59 am

I am by no means an expert but I want to share some things I found odd about going grain free for about 4 months. I started trying to cut back on wheat and gluten about one year ago and slowly started being more restrictive. About 4 months ago i was avoiding grains and gluten completely and eating an extremely low carb diet. Slowly i started noticing hair loss/thinning and started getting cysts on my forehead which I haven't experienced in over 2 years. I am a 20 year old male, 6 foot 2 inches and very thin (135 lbs) I lost about 10 lbs on this low carb diet which is pretty bad considering how thin I already am.


I started looking into issues that people with very low carb diets experience and hair thinning was pretty common from what i was reading and obviously weight loss. As for the acne getting worse I was reading that very low carb diets (paleo) can cause disruption in the thyroid which can cause an increase in oily skin/acne and hair loss and hair thinning. Another issue is that all the protein and animal meat I was eating to compensate for lack of carbs was rough on my liver (forehead acne is linked to liver/digestion mostly) Most people were saying that once they returned to eating at least 150 grams of carbs a day the problems slowly went away though.


I started eating 200-250 grams of carbs a day about a week ago and already I am noticing that the problems are getting better and not only that I just feel a lot better in terms of mental health as well. I really do not think grain free/ avoiding wheat was beneficial to me which is odd because I have seen so many articles and forums saying acne got so much better when avoiding those foods so i was convinced it would help me. It definitely caused some issues with my body so I just wanted to post this for anyone doing grain free/ paleo for acne and see what responses I would get. Did paleo help anyone out there? I'm curious.


Posted : 07/19/2015 1:49 pm

I fully agree. I'm a 21 year old guy and going low-carb paleo was the worst thing I ever did for my health. I was eating strictly organic grass fed meats, chicken etc and non starchy vegetables. I kept this up for about two months. Developed thinning hair, erectile dysfunction, extremely low energy, terrible constipation, the list goes on and on. You need carbs for so many things. After these two months, I started eating carbs again and am now recovered from all the damage the low carb diet did me.


I've found the best diet to do is just include each food group. Good fats, good carbs, and good protein.


If you have any other questions, feel free to ask me


Posted : 07/20/2015 6:56 pm

I found the complete opposite to be true. I am a woman.


Posted : 07/22/2015 6:54 pm

I fully agree. I'm a 21 year old guy and going low-carb paleo was the worst thing I ever did for my health. I was eating strictly organic grass fed meats, chicken etc and non starchy vegetables. I kept this up for about two months. Developed thinning hair, erectile dysfunction, extremely low energy, terrible constipation, the list goes on and on. You need carbs for so many things. After these two months, I started eating carbs again and am now recovered from all the damage the low carb diet did me.


I've found the best diet to do is just include each food group. Good fats, good carbs, and good protein.


If you have any other questions, feel free to ask me

hey man thanks for the feedback. My family was getting worried and i completely agree it was horrible for my health. I was depressed, skinny as hell, and breaking out like crazy. i'm currently recovering, it's been about a month since I started eating carbs again and i've gained 10 lbs in the past 3 weeks, the breakouts on forehead stopped, my hair is still shedding though. I think i put my hair into telogen effluvium (caused by extreme diet changes, or stress on the body) You are probably familiar with the term though. From what i've read it can take anywhere from 2 months to a year for hair to completely recover from something like this. how is your hair doing after your low carb experiment?


I found the complete opposite to be true. I am a woman.

how long have you been on the low carb paleo diet?


Posted : 07/22/2015 9:00 pm

Yeah, my family and basically all my peers were extremely concerned and I was definitely in a funk of depression unlike anything i've ever experienced. I've actually never heard of telogen effluvium, but thats interesting. My hair is naturally very thick, so the thinning/loss isn't noticeable, just some shedding when i would pull at my head/shower. It was also extremely dry, like hay or wire or something. it was bad. Its been about 6 months since i stopped the low carb paleo diet, and my hair isn't shedding nearly as much. a little falls out if i run my fingers through it, but nothing disturbing. By far the worst effect of the diet was the total lack of libido/morning erections etc. it was very disturbing to have no sex drive and feelings of low testosterone at 20 years old. although in retrospect, it makes sense, eating 3 servings of meat a day. too much meat lol. But through diet, supplements, etc, i'm virtually symptom free now. (except for acne, although its improved a lot) the hardest thing to shake and ironically the reason i went low carb paleo in the first place...


Aside from that diet switch, what else have you tried to better your skin health?


Posted : 07/22/2015 9:21 pm

On 7/23/2015 at 8:00 AM, StolenDog said:

Yeah, my family and basically all my peers were extremely concerned and I was definitely in a funk of depression unlike anything i've ever experienced. I've actually never heard of telogen effluvium, but thats interesting. My hair is naturally very thick, so the thinning/loss isn't noticeable, just some shedding when i would pull at my head/shower. It was also extremely dry, like hay or wire or something. it was bad. Its been about 6 months since i stopped the low carb paleo diet, and my hair isn't shedding nearly as much. a little falls out if i run my fingers through it, but nothing disturbing. By far the worst effect of the diet was the total lack of libido/morning erections etc. it was very disturbing to have no sex drive and feelings of low testosterone at 20 years old. although in retrospect, it makes sense, eating 3 servings of meat a day. too much meat lol. But through diet, supplements, etc, i'm virtually symptom free now. (except for acne, although its improved a lot) the hardest thing to shake and ironically the reason i went low carb paleo in the first place...

Aside from that diet switch, what else have you tried to better your skin health?

haha it's so crazy hearing from someone having the same thing happen. I too tried paleo to get rid of occasional breakouts and it ended up screwing up my helath and ironically making acne worse. I had pretty bad acne at age 15-16, coincidentally it started occurring a few months after my dad died. I had the most luck with benzoyl peroxide cleansers when trying to control my acne and stuck with that until i was about 19 when i just got tired of the occasional breakout and really started trying to get to the bottom of my breakouts to eliminate them completely. I started taking probiotics and occasional senna leaf pills to help with regularity. I have found both of those to help digestion and keep acne less inflamed, although not stopping breakouts altogether. I stuck with that for a while and had pretty much acne free skin from age 19 to 20. I still wasn't satisfied and started with diet to get perfect skin. I tried gluten free for about 3-4 months and then full on low carb paleo for about 3-4 months prior to just gluten free. Which leaves me where i'm at now, recovering from that mistake. Also something to mention is about a month before I started eating carbs again I started taking Fermented cod liver oil 2 times a day and it literally cleared my skin more than it's been since before puberty, crazy. I only took it a few weeks and results were like within 3 days of taking it. Seriously it was crazy. I started reading bad things about it for long term use though and at the same time figured out lack of carbs was probably giving me trouble. The cod liver oil was making me feel really sick I think it was due to the extreme amount of vitamin A in it, which can be toxic in large amounts. So I just decided to stop taking the cod liver oil and begin eating carbs and have been recovering since. here is the link to the cod liver oil i was taking


Posted : 07/27/2015 11:24 am

Yeah, unfortunately cod liver oil doesn't do much for me.... What aside from this diet have you done in efforts to clear your skin?


Posted : 07/27/2015 12:18 pm


I fully agree. I'm a 21 year old guy and going low-carb paleo was the worst thing I ever did for my health. I was eating strictly organic grass fed meats, chicken etc and non starchy vegetables. I kept this up for about two months. Developed thinning hair, erectile dysfunction, extremely low energy, terrible constipation, the list goes on and on. You need carbs for so many things. After these two months, I started eating carbs again and am now recovered from all the damage the low carb diet did me.


I've found the best diet to do is just include each food group. Good fats, good carbs, and good protein.


If you have any other questions, feel free to ask me

hey man thanks for the feedback. My family was getting worried and i completely agree it was horrible for my health. I was depressed, skinny as hell, and breaking out like crazy. i'm currently recovering, it's been about a month since I started eating carbs again and i've gained 10 lbs in the past 3 weeks, the breakouts on forehead stopped, my hair is still shedding though. I think i put my hair into telogen effluvium (caused by extreme diet changes, or stress on the body) You are probably familiar with the term though. From what i've read it can take anywhere from 2 months to a year for hair to completely recover from something like this. how is your hair doing after your low carb experiment?


>I found the complete opposite to be true. I am a woman.

how long have you been on the low carb paleo diet?


Almost two months of no grains/rice. I do eat fruit as much as I want though.


Posted : 07/29/2015 11:24 pm

Paleo isn't really low carb. That's just what people who want to lose weight do. Plenty of starchy root vegetables, fruits, honey, are all great.
