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What Supplements Will Help My Oily Skin?


Posted : 07/10/2015 10:05 pm

Hello everyone!


So I've been off of accutane for a month now and my face is starting to get oil again. This of course is giving me anxiety that my acne will come back. For the past month though, I've been doing little things here and there to prevent acne. During this month, I did not get a single pimple. I recently got a tiny one though (you can barely see it) on the side of my mouth, and I believe one is forming on my forehead. That being said, do you have any little secret that I am not doing? I'm sure I can't be the only one!


Here has been my "plan" that I'd admit works pretty well. Try it and tell me how it goes:


-60 mg of Zinc supplement everyday

-400 IU Vitamin E supplement every day

-Regular One-a-Day vitamins

-3-5 16 ounce glasses of water a day (roughly 6-10 cups)

-Change pillowcase/put a fresh towel over my pillow EVERY night

-No dairy (I kind of cheated and had shredded cheese though)

-No chocolate/foods heavy in sugar such as candy

-Sunscreen of course since I work in the sun all day

-Just a normal Cetaphil wash and CeraVe moisturizer

-No touching my face/attempting to pop pimples WHAT. SO. EVER. (this used to be a huge habit of mine)

-No smoking (I cheated like once or twice but they were cigars and we were golfing, so how could you not?)


What other supplements/vitamins will help my oily skin? I'm going to give D3 a shot next, maybe along with vitamin C. I heard that B5 helps but I don't want to risk the potential hair loss.



Thanks guys!


Posted : 07/23/2015 12:38 am

Drink carrot juice, water kefir, beet kvass and pumpkin seed oil. Yoga for thyroid helps.
