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Differin Initial Breakout Is This Normal (Pics)


Posted : 04/23/2015 8:23 am

So I've been on differin for 7 weeks yesterday as well as lymecycline qntibiotics. Previously I had mild/moderate acne for years (I'm 24) and kept it at bay with bp, though always had a couple of spots. My skin just looked terrible on bp, dehydrated, oily, clogged pores dull and still breakouts so I decided to quit.


I went on differin as I wanted to clear my skin and let it sort of restart. Now I have just broken out absolutely everywhere and it's got steadily worse over the 7 weeks (though there are areas of my skin that look smooth and in a better condition than when I was on bo, though I might then break out again.


My acne is pustules and papilla no cysts but my whole face is broken out - is this still the initial breakout or should I quit differin??? I can keep going if it will get better in a few weeks and this is just the clogged pores pushing themselves out its just so hard to tell though. My skin is quite sensitive and has been irritated, painful and red at times on differin (aloe Vera gel has helped)


I've been referred to derm for accurate appt in 3 weeks if differin doesn't get better. Should I stop or os this normal? Pics attached are cheeks with make up so you can see how terrible my skin looks :(




Posted : 04/23/2015 11:34 am

Which Differin did you use?

Generally, I only applied Differin at night. If needed to apply Differin in the morning, I tend to avoid makeup over the Differin area. Differin can make skin pretty dry and peeling, so don't apply more than needed (unfortunately it over-applying won't help).


From your photos, it seems like the makeup you wear is a bit heavy. My suggestion would be, make sure you apply moisturizer first before makeup. And at end of the day, use gentle make up removal.

For unlucky us (acne-prone skin), it is important to remove makeup properly.


Posted : 04/23/2015 12:34 pm

Which Differin did you use?

Generally, I only applied Differin at night. If needed to apply Differin in the morning, I tend to avoid makeup over the Differin area. Differin can make skin pretty dry and peeling, so don't apply more than needed (unfortunately it over-applying won't help).


From your photos, it seems like the makeup you wear is a bit heavy. My suggestion would be, make sure you apply moisturizer first before makeup. And at end of the day, use gentle make up removal.

For unlucky us (acne-prone skin), it is important to remove makeup properly.

I use 0.1% cream, I don't think my skin would handle the 3%... I only apply at night a thin layer, I think I'm using it correctly I'm just not sure if the breakouts are a good sign? I've been using LRP effacar moisturiser and aloe vera gel to soothe in the morning.


I've found I can pull out hard plugs out of my pores (with tweezers) since starting differin too.


I use Nars makeup which is non comedgenic, I know I probably wear too much but its hard not to when you're face is covered in ugly red spots :( I make sure I take it all off at the end of the day.


Posted : 04/23/2015 3:06 pm

It is absolutely normal. I am 4 months in and still breakout but there has been improvement. If at the end of 6 months the acne hasn't slowed down, I'll try something stronger. Give Differin between 3-6 months before deciding it doesn't work. You're still early on.


Good luck!


Posted : 04/24/2015 12:36 am

My son was on differin 0.3 % gel plus oral solodyn antibiotics, it took a while ,probably 5 months.

My daughter was on the same differin for over a month , she didn't improved, the dermatologist swirched her to ziana , you can't use ziana if you have colon problems because of the antibiotic clindamycin that ziana has .

My daughter saw improvement within 2 months on ziana.

She washed her face with purpose face wash, and used powder make-up.

Take care.


Posted : 04/24/2015 12:21 pm

It is absolutely normal. I am 4 months in and still breakout but there has been improvement. If at the end of 6 months the acne hasn't slowed down, I'll try something stronger. Give Differin between 3-6 months before deciding it doesn't work. You're still early on.


Good luck!


Thank you! Honestly it's so hard to know whether it's working or not, but I doubt that quitting now will do me any good either... my acne is the worst it's been in years :( I'll keep going though ... I can take the breakouts as long as I know it can work eventually. Personally I think BP (and the regimen) ruined my skin, every pore on my face was clogged, my oil was (still is) in overdrive yet I looked dehydrated and had dry flakey patches... I don't think slathering your skin in such a drying treatment twice a day for years can do any good in the long run... So now I think I'm paying the price but hopefully differin will make it more healthy, at least that it what retinoids should do!


When did you start to see improvements with differin? was your IB everywhere or just in patches?


Good luck to you too :)


Posted : 04/25/2015 8:45 am

I use 0.1% cream, I don't think my skin would handle the 3%... I only apply at night a thin layer, I think I'm using it correctly I'm just not sure if the breakouts are a good sign? I've been using LRP effacar moisturiser and aloe vera gel to soothe in the morning.


I've found I can pull out hard plugs out of my pores (with tweezers) since starting differin too.


I use Nars makeup which is non comedgenic, I know I probably wear too much but its hard not to when you're face is covered in ugly red spots :( I make sure I take it all off at the end of the day.

The GP prescribe me Differin to apply on top of breakout. It helps on reducing the severity the breakout and sort of leaving less scar. The oral medicine was Minomycin.


I understand about the makeup... been there. It's fine for female to wear thick makeup, assuming you are female (judging by your username). For me, I found the lighter the makeup, the easier (to remove, and to reapply when needed).
