I May Have Found My...
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I May Have Found My Adult Acne Cure


Posted : 04/10/2015 11:50 pm

I have a history like many of us....acne for a long painful time. Tried everything. antibiotics, topical antibiotics, retinoids, everything natural, holistic, you name, ive tried it. Some things worked fairly well, sometimes work really well but seem to loose the potency as time goes on. Ive spent THOUSANDS of dollars, bought books, joined sites, support groups, scoured the internet. And now, finally, at age 31 i think i may have something.....i warn you, this isnt for the faint of heart.


Ok, the basics behind this....i am a believer in natural medicines, far more than prescription drugs. And after a bunch of stomach troubles and the worst skin of my life after stoping birth control pills (diane 35, which made my skin 95% perfect) and a whole lot of reading, ive decided my skin problems were a symptom of a gut problem. Birth control changes ypur gut flora FOR EVER ITS PERMANENT. so do antibiotics. Long story short, we should have about 500 kinds of bacteria in our gut, antibiotics, bcp, breast feed, being vaginally born, if our moms was on bcp, foods we eat, all affect this. The only thing i had going for me was being vaginally born. No breast feeding, tons and tons of antibiotics (strep throat x5, UTI x50+, acne x 10+) terrible diet when younger, bcp for 14 years. Once you lose a species of bacteria, it is likely gone FOREVER. There are a few that we will eat, and can survive the stomach that can be reintroduced, but for the most part once its gone, its gone. Lots of the bacteria we have in our gut got there in infancy when the stomach acid arent strong enough to kill off the beneficial bacteria. The only way to get them back.....fecal transplant. Yep, i said it, fecal transplant. Thsts how desperate i am.


I found a donor, a child of a friend, check out the power of poop website for what you are looking for ina healthy donor. And well....did 2 enemas with donor poop milkshake, and made 30 triple encapsulated beeswax coated (to protect from stomach acid) pills, and swallowed them. I swallowed someone elses poop. I told you i was desperate. To help the new poop make a home in my gut, i am eating healthy, lots of greems, lean meats, fruit and at least 2 litres of water a day. I also am eating homemade kefir and sauerkraut (like 1000 to 1000000 times more probiotics than storebought capsules. 1 tablesppon of kraut can have thousands of TRILLIONS of benefical bacteria) this is to help repopulate my guts as well. I am taking a multivitamin, one for skin and hair with b vitamins, zinc, selenium and magnesium (all of which get depleted from bcp). I am taking 25 mg extra zinc as well.


It is day 10 and i see changes, big changes. My forehead was a disaster zone, 100+ little clogged pores, which turn red and angry in a few days, i squeeze and get a little hard sebum plug out, 2 in 10 get infected snd now i have a huge pusey mess and s red mark that takes 6 months to fade away. This for three years since i stopped bcp. My cheeks are farily clear, 2 to 3 small whiteheads a month. Chin 3 pimples at all times it seems, 10 or so black heads. No change with ANYTHING natural in 3 years (i was pregnant for 10 months of that time and now breast feeding for 8) because of the pregnancy and bfing i was pretty limited to what i could do.


So day 10, my forehead acne has reduced by zbout 70 %. No new clogged swollen pores. Initally i got 5 cystic acne spots, i never get cystic acne, i think its from the massive die off in my guts of bad bacteria and all the toxins being released. The cystic stuff is healing, 5 gone just dry spots left, one almost gone. Chin is almost clear, blsckheads seem to be disappearing. I will keep updating as the weeks go on.


This is the best my skin has looked in 3 years. I have been drinking lots of water, and eating very well, the entire time, so i know its not from that. I have also been taking zinc and vitamins off and on, and took tons of vitamins while prepregnancy, so im pretty sure its not that. That leaves the new poop, and all the wonderful bacteria it has reintroduced, and the probiotics.


Other notable things...my head feels clearer, less lingering stressful thoughts, less anxiety. Better sleeping, which is impressive with an 8 month old. Much better bathroom habits, might be tmi...but pooping is regular, soft, and well....smells different. Hair is less greasy, body odor is reduced. I am still noticing a bit of gassiness and gurggling, likely the high dose probiotics, but i feel pretty great still, and i am beyond pumped about the skin changes!!


Posted : 04/22/2015 7:49 pm

Wow, this is pretty out there! But it sounds logical. I was a c-section baby, and my 5 siblings were delivered naturally. I'm the only one with skin probs :(

How did you go about the fecal transplant? Did you collect the.. er.. specimen, add water and put it in your enema bag? If this works I will totally talk my husband into being my donor, lol. His gut will devour anything and his skin glows, the bastard. Lol

I seriously want to keep up with your progress, please check in!


Posted : 05/02/2015 1:13 am

Hey, yes I took my donations, put a small amount in a zip love bag, smushed it up, stained it with a mesh strainer, and put it in a large 60 ml syringe attached to a thin tube. And up she went. I did a salt water enema to clear things out before so I could hold the poop as long as possible.


Things are continuing to get better. A few small sebum plugs on my forehead, but significantly less them before. Skin is starting to smooth and return to normal colour as the red spots fade. I just did another transplant to ensure the bacteria takes in my gut. I will do this once a week for the next few weeks. You only need a small amount, so one donation can be frozen and will make numerous transplants.


One more thing I just noticed as I sit here watching TV reading this site, and my fingers wander to my skin... FYI, I am a terrible picker... My forehead has not been washed day and has cover up on it... And It's now 13 hours with makeup. And my forehead isn't greasy. Like not at all... Normally it would be an oil slick, same makeup, nothing has changed... I just noticed it right now, CRAZY. smooth, soft, I can feel the makeup, but the skin isn't greasy at all, not dry either. Feels normal, I haven't had normal skin in like 3 years!


Posted : 08/31/2015 1:30 am

Any updates? I'm %100 sure my acne is caused by antibiotics I took.


Posted : 09/02/2015 4:20 am

Super interesting! I was vaginally born but almost no breastfeeding and, in fact, my brother who had normal breastfeeding had always impeccable skin, as well as my parents.

However, I must say that I cured my acne ()

without poop transplant. I think your body can indeed regenerate, you just need to have a good diet and good skincare.

Good luck!


Posted : 09/03/2015 9:37 am

I do notice that when I am drinking kefir my skin stays clear. How do you make yours?


Posted : 09/05/2015 1:41 am

You have to find kefir culture somewhere, it looks like cauliflower: http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2013/09/12/kefir-benefits_n_3914818.html

Try with people from Eastern Europe (Ukrainians, Russians, Bulgarians, etc.), they usually make it. Then you put the kefir in a closed recipient with one litter of milk and put somewhere in your house where it is dark (inside of a cupboard), and depending where you live and the temperature of your house you'll have it ready in 24-48h - faster if warmer. It will have the consistency pretty much like yogurt and a mild sour taste - just like yogurt too.


Posted : 09/20/2015 9:11 pm

If you don't want to make your own kefir, they do sell it at grocery stores. I found mine (Lifeway brand) at Walmart.


Posted : 10/13/2015 9:18 pm

Interesting topic. I just ordered AOBiome Mother Dirt products.
I can't wait to try them.
They are basically designed to populate the friendly bacteria on your skin.
They won't make any claims about particular conditions, but it looks like the company is working on some kinds of acne specific probiotic treatments as well. Can't wait to see what they come up with.
I can't wait for my mist to arrive.


Posted : 10/19/2015 3:43 am

I'm sorry, but this stuff doesn't work to cure acne.
