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Really Need Some Advice


Posted : 02/05/2015 9:47 am

So I've been struggling with acne for many years, I'm 17 now and I think it started around the same time I started puberty so about 10/11. For the first few years it was very mild so barley acne just a couple spots and climaxed quite bad all over my face when I was 15 and completely went away but for some reason flared up again the next summer and has gotten worse than ever. It's gotten to the point where my mood everyday depends on how I look in the mirror in the morning and I feel frustrated and angry with myself daily. It can't be my diet or lifestyle since I am very healthy and active, training almost daily plus my diet is virtually the same if not better from when my skin was fine. Currently I wash my face twice a day with a salicylic acid wash but I no longer moisturise since I used to use an oil free moisturiser but it seemed to make me brake out more then I apply neutrogena on the spot every other day. I've been to the doctor and took pills but they didn't help at all. My dad had severe acne at this age but there must be something to help. Sorry for the long post need advice.


Posted : 02/05/2015 12:17 pm

No matter the skin type you have you have to moisturize your skin your gonna have to find something to moisturize with wash your face as you said twice a day if your really oily I would say wash twice with your face wash if not then use water only morning night face wash moisturize dayli sunscreen non comedogenic SPF 15 or higher


Birth control really help out my face acne I no longer break out on my face but I'm currently on accutane 20mg for my back and its no fun:(


Posted : 02/05/2015 12:37 pm

I wanted to paste a description of what I am doing into this reply, but the paste function doesn't seem to work, so I will just put the my short answer...

After 40 years of trying to beat acne, I finally did it with this diet:

I eat ONLY:


olive oil

Coconut oil


Lemon juice

Salad greens


Heavy cream




Bone broth

Dijon mustard


Macadamia nuts

Sauerkraut with live cultures

I eat high-fat, low carb, medium protein. I am two weeks acne-free for the first time in my life.

I don't use any acne products on my face, and I wash my face in the shower daily with Dove soap.

I wanted to share this for anyone who wants to try it.
