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What Cured My Acne


Posted : 12/23/2014 4:54 am

I had severe acne. Doctors and dermatologists have prescribed me everything except acutane and nothing seemed to cure the disease.

Skin Type:

I had very dry (flaky) irritated skin. It was disgusting and the emotional trauma it has caused is unbelievable.


What was causing it took me so long to figure out, but what was causing it was so simple that it was in my face, literally. The water itself. Yes, you heard me correctly. The water has chlorine and other chemicals that my skin just can't handle.


What I have done was avoided washing my face daily. Every two days or so, I exfoliate gently with a normal cloth then dry my face asap. This has cleared my skin and have been given back my natural moisture barrier.

So washing your face twice daily isn't always the optimum solution.

Good luck.


Posted : 12/23/2014 11:28 am

Hello below is the set up I have been using for 3 months now. So happy to finally be on top of my spots. It is so worth the effort.

No dairy products

Drink plenty of water

Drink matcha green tea or regular green tea instead of coffee/energy drinks/black tea

Use purechimp super face combo 2

Use brown instead of white. For example brown rice instead of white rice.

Cut down on sugary foods

Exercise at least 3 times a week

I hope this helps you. After 3 months I found its easy to follow & its just all a good habit now.


Posted : 12/23/2014 2:17 pm

Yeah, for me it was food sensitivities. You just never know these days. It's too bad doctors and derms would rather give you medicine for your money, than to actually help you find the actual cause.

You're so lucky, though! At least you don't have to change your diet. Congratulations! You just can't go to the water park without breaking out. Did you have cystic acne though?


Posted : 12/25/2014 4:36 pm

I agree with @Melloman ...

You didn't have to change a single thing in your diet while I had to change it up pretty much 360 lol.. Sad life :(

Melloman liked