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Are You Brave Enough To Show Your Scars?


Posted : 10/30/2014 7:50 am

Thanks to a great dermatologist I don't have acne anymore, however, I do have terrible dark spots all over my face from it. I don't leave the house without putting on ridiculously expensive make up and on the few occasions that i have I've had strangers ask me what was wrong with my skin, what I've done to my face and was even stopped by a man who told me which face wash to use. Can u relate? Or do you know how to deal?


Posted : 10/31/2014 5:01 am

It's the bitter reality we all had and still have to go through of course every single one of us can relate to your story, I'm understanding to the point that I never censured people who pointed it out having considered the possibility that they had no idea how devastating it is to us being dissected and interrogated "Metaphorically speaking" about the root cause of our hyperpigmented skin.

I still remember people's stares and comments in regard to my skin 8 years ago it's really something you can never forget especially if that person is oversensitive like myself, The only two methods that worked for me are : 1-Seeking the sympathy of my family, Feeling the support of others can really work wonders sometimes. 2-Occupying my brain with positive concepts.

those two tasks aren't usually executed with ease though it depends fundamentally on each person's circumstances, I'm curious though what is the course of treatment you've had to undergo in order to get rid of your acne?
