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Thinking Of Needling? Read Please


Posted : 09/05/2014 4:25 am

Okay, Ive posted a few times about how i needled my boxscars on nose and stuff. I have been getting quite a few personal messages about it and stuff and thought it would be best to post here.

Now, for starters everyone's skin is different so your results may vary in terms of duration etc...

I originally had 4 box scars on my nose from some very bad cystic acne (which i admit i couldn't leave alone). They were not as deep as some peoples but in some lighting they were very bad because of the shadows.

I had enough of these scars after a year (most professionals say wait at least a year before trying to rectify them)

I looked up needling and decided to give it a go. I did alot of research. So should you.

I used ultra fine medical needles (i got them from japan, not sure what equivalent would be, maybe insulin needles?)

I dedicided to do a tester on one of my scars. I would poke it until it bled, some people mention a crunching sound which is what happened to me. The blood was only a few specks, not pouring. I maybe poked it 10 times, all the way around it and in it.

Some people say keep it moist, others say scab. I have always had much better results from scabbing. Not sure why, but i have let another heal with Vaseline and it didn't come out as good, although everyone's skin is different.

now this one scar scabbed up. I didnt mess with the scab, i kept it a little supple with moisturizer, but nothing else.

Evetually it came off, like a week and a bit later.The scar was much better, about 80% healed, to the point where it could only really bother me in certain lighting. I was happy and knew that the scar tissue was not fully healed yet. I didnt want to needle again straight away, so for the next month i just massaged the scar nightly thinking it might help (worth a shot).

Now listen, some people complain that their scars look worse after needling. This may be so, but its a good thing. You cannot get rid of scar tissue but you an re-write it so it is practically invisible. A change in the appearance of the scar means that you have begun rewriting it. It will get better.

There is, however, the possibility that you are using a needle that is too big (do not use sewing needles), but if this is the case im sure you'd know because youre not doing it right.

Also, do not expect to see results as soon as the scab falls off, the collagen will still be doing its thing for months after needling . Try not to go overboard and needle too much in a short amount of time. wait a while.

Back to the story, After a month i needled again. let it scab and stuff, then it came off maybe 2 weeks later, it was better than before. I should say that this scar was on the center of my nose, on the hard cartridge. For some reason i found the ones here to heal better than the ones on the end of my nose (you know where its more squishy, is this because there is more 'fat'?)

At this point the scar was unnoticeable.

I performed the same to the others, except 2 i kept moist and i found these ones took longer to fill in. Not sure why when medially things heal faster when moist, but for me they did.

i didnt use topicals on my scars, others have and said they worked...

cool, well now i dont have to keep repeating myself :)

Anyone else got any experiences? or tips?


Posted : 09/07/2014 12:38 pm

Awesome! Congrats on your success. I am very happy for you :)


And I am even happier that you did it properly... waiting atleast a month in between. It's very irritating when people claim "success" after one week of needling totally oblivious to it just being swelling.


Posted : 09/07/2014 12:45 pm


I agree with pineappleXpress, Congrats!


Do you have any pictures? How did your scab look?


Posted : 09/15/2014 8:34 am

I have no pictures unfortunately. I dont keep a log with pictures, just my written skin log.

My heart sometimes sinks when i think about the scars that plagued my face *shudders*
