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Decided To Come Off Bp.


Posted : 09/01/2014 8:50 am

Ive been using BP since April this year and whilst to begin with it was very effective I have noticed it has become less and less effective to the point where I dont think its actually doing anything. It also made my skin so dry which in turn made me super oily.

At the moment Im using a salicylic acid and focussing on re balancing my skin because before the BP I used to have combo/normal skin. I dont really know what else to look into I am a bit stuck for options.

Im thinking of looking into LED light therapy next I dont see what other options I have. Any suggestions welcome. :)


Posted : 09/01/2014 11:20 am

If you stop "cold turkey" you will likely notice the problem worsening for awhile, as your skin can become dependent on the product, even though it doesn't seem to be working. I often suggest if you've been on BP for more than 3 or 4 months, if you decide to stop using it, to ween yourself off to smooth the transition. For example, if you were using it every night, go to every other night for a week or two, then every third night for a bit, then go off.

Or you can just stop and some increased breakouts for a bit.

If you're considering another topical option, try looking for something with ingredients high in antioxidants to combat inflammation (which is often what triggers pore blockage). Ingredients like niacinamide (or B3), green tea, vitamins E and C, things of that sort.

Best of luck to you.


Posted : 09/01/2014 2:24 pm

If you're not having much luck with the 2.5% BP you may want to try La Roche Posay Effaclar Duo. It's a 5.5% BP product that also contains salicylic acid. My sons are having much more success with it than the various 2.5% BP's that they used over many months, which never seemed to clear them and left their skin irritated even with once per day use. I bought it because it gets really good reviews and it seems to be working well, and somehow is gentler on the skin.


Posted : 09/01/2014 4:15 pm

Thank you for your replies. I was only using BP at night and a very little amount less than a pea size so Im hoping the transition isnt going to be too bad. I havent noticed a significant worsening yet just remained the same more or less as when I was using it.

I only developed mild acne last year and previous to this I was on no treatment and had more or less clear skin but a period of significant stress has caused it. Im a lot less stressed now and thats why Im hoping it will be ok to come off BP though I cant be sure. Thanks for your recommendations.
