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Exercise... F*** Me.


Posted : 08/01/2014 2:24 pm

Ok I really don't feel like typing a lot but I am very exited and need to type this right now.

long story short I have had red acne marks for the last 5-6 months now which have been healing over time but never completely for instance after a shower they will look very red for about 15 minutes.

ANYWAY I have avoided exercise like the plague for the last 5-6 months doing litteraly as little as possible (accept walking to school) as I thought this would only create more acne or even pro-long my marks...WRONG>WRONG>WRONG>WRONG!

for the last week I decided I would experiment with exercice both weight lifting and cardio and every single time I do a moderate intensity workout my red marks disappear 95% within 5 minutes. these effects last the rest of the day+.

then the next day they will come back slightly until I work out again and they will disappear 95% again.

after 5 days of exercise after my shower this morning i could barely see my red marks which is outstanding as they are very red after showers as i mentioned earlyier.

I know everyone is different yada yada yada but anyway this is getting to long and i really cba to write more right now might update in a week or 2.


i don't know if this is a well known fact or not but just thought id share my experience.



Posted : 08/02/2014 10:13 am

once again after exercise today my red marks and general redness of acne practically vanished. my mom and sister even commented on this asking if i had changed products recently etc...

I know this seems very unlikely and i don't understand it myself as scientifically speaking the marks SHOULD look redder if more blood is being circulated... maybe i am wrong in this assumption.

I will consider uploading before and after an exercise photos to prove what I am saying is true.


Posted : 08/03/2014 10:58 am

Yeah..this is normal for me too. Obviously after exercise your face is flushed due to the blood flow and sweat, therefore obviously your pigmentation will not be AS noticeable because the colour of the rest of your face blends in? Until the blood flow has decreased I assume it will just be as noticeable as before.


Posted : 08/03/2014 4:01 pm

ok all that makes sense but the thing I don't get is the effects will last the whole rest of the day and like I said even the next day I have noticed a massive reduction in overall redness...

the only explanation I can think of is that it creates a massive anti - inflammatory effect for me. but even that theory has flaws.

who knows thanks for your reply anyway


Posted : 08/03/2014 4:32 pm

I've also noticed that my face looks much better during an intensive aerobic workout and it lasts for a few hours after I'm done with the training. (Yes, I always carry a mirror in my backpack. Is that weird?)


Posted : 08/07/2014 7:19 am

just want to let every one know I am seeing massive improvements every day now, touch wood.

every aspect of my skin looks better, I did not know circulation and general exercise was so important for skin - for me anyway.

I could kick myself for avoiding exercise for the last 6 months, what a waste.

I urge everyone to try doing intesnisve exercise for a week and see if you notice an improvement.


Posted : 08/07/2014 9:49 pm

I can attest to this as well. My skin seems to be better when I have a regular excercise routine or at the very least it doesn't seem to be getting worse.


Posted : 08/08/2014 10:40 am

or maybe it could be the adrenaline that makes you feel like you dont care anymore o.o


Posted : 08/08/2014 11:45 am

Doesn't exercise stimulate cortisol? I don't remember.

But cortisol is a stress hormone that temporarily blanches the skin.


Posted : 08/09/2014 5:55 am

all I can do is tell you about my experience, I now do 10 minutes INTESNSIVE (and it must be intensive in my opinion to get your blood really pumping) exercise a day and my skin hasn't looked this good in about a year.

I have done a fair amount of research and the top 3 reasons I think exercise effects my skin this way is -

  • reduction in overall inflammation
  • blood circulation - (purifying blood, helping delivering nutrients to skin and organs working better in general perhaps)
  • sweat - as when you exercise your pores open up realising toxins and believe it or not sweat is antibacterial and cleans pores out.

Don't get me wrong I am terrible at all this sciencey stuff and how the body works, but i did take sport at A level for a year which included all this stuff (not that I retained much information) but after a lot of research these theory's are my conclusion to why my skin has had such a drastic improvement.

At the end of the day Exercise or don't exercise, but it is worth a try as far as im concerned especially for uneven skin tone and red marks.


side note; as exercise increases testostrostone and sweat there is a chance acne will worsen of course... which is why I avoided exercise so drastically, therefore to people with active acne this may not be the best 'cure.


Posted : 08/09/2014 8:22 am

now imagine getting body acne because of exercise

this is what happens to me, my back acne is mild, but since i started working out, i broke out more, it has calmed down though, but still

really sucks, that when you try to improve your body, it makes something else worse


Posted : 08/10/2014 8:13 am

That's Unlucky, I cant really relate to getting body acne but it must be frustrating...

Last comment im going to make on this unless nessacary but I have discovered intensive exercise also helps reduce insulin resistance which could be a big factor in reducing overall chronic inflammation which will allow your skin to actually heal and take redness out of marks perhaps. all depends on what type of acne you have I guess.

As personally when I eat sugar I can guarantee I will get at very least a white head or 2 (not that white heads really bother me)

Just another theory.

