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Open Wound Acne


Posted : 06/03/2014 1:15 pm

Right, I had a pimple on my face.

It became very swollen and started to weep.

It became a scab, I didnt pop it or anything.

The scab was very big and very raised, it was also very dry and would crack, then clear liquid would seep out and make the scab even higher.

The scab came off, but the area is now very wet and is trying to reform the horrible scab.

I have tried keeping the area moist, with vaseline and aloe vera. It has not been working. I did the badaid thing too.

I have tried applying pressure onto it.

acne med.


Everywhere says keep it moist and prevent a scb, but its impossible, no matter how much product a thin yellow slimy surface forms. It comes off but then it starts leaking again.

In 3 days I am going back home all the way to Japan and i want to look good for my family.

Does anyone of you have any ideas?


Posted : 06/03/2014 1:37 pm

will sudocreme help at all?


Posted : 06/03/2014 9:11 pm

yellow slimy surface is liquid that helps close the wound or heal i heard

stop picking at it and just hold a paper there to dry it ?? pretty sure the leaking doesnt last for more then 5 minutes
