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Is It Worth Paying To Do A Saliva Test


Posted : 05/06/2014 5:13 pm

So in moving forward, i am wondering if it is worth paying 175 to do a saliva test that would test for:

It contains five (5) tests: Estradiol (E2), Progesterone (Pg), Testosterone (T), DHEA-S (DS), and morning Cortisol (C1).

After cleaning up my diet (see my sig), maybe i need to look at hormonal treatment/supps?

Any opinions?


Posted : 05/10/2014 12:51 pm



Posted : 05/10/2014 1:21 pm

I know you can go to your doctor and request it. That might be cheaper and cover even more areas. Depending on your insurance of course. It might give you an area to start looking towards causing your breakouts but I also hear a lot of peoples test come back normal and theyre told their just sensitive to androgen.


Posted : 05/10/2014 1:45 pm

If you do, ask for copies and look at them yourself. You might be in the normal range and so just be told everything's normal. But maybe you are in the high or low end. And normal doesn't mean optimal, and maybe this range they've decided is normal these days might be far from optimal.


That said, think carefully before using drugs or supplements to alter hormones.


Then there's the fact that hormone levels fluctuate so testing once isn't that useful. So wondering if home test kits were available that would let you monitor changed, I did a quick search and found they are, but they are pretty expensive.


Posted : 05/10/2014 3:51 pm

If you do, ask for copies and look at them yourself. You might be in the normal range and so just be told everything's normal. But maybe you are in the high or low end. And normal doesn't mean optimal, and maybe this range they've decided is normal these days might be far from optimal.

That said, think carefully before using drugs or supplements to alter hormones.

Then there's the fact that hormone levels fluctuate so testing once isn't that useful. So wondering if home test kits were available that would let you monitor changed, I did a quick search and found they are, but they are pretty expensive.

Thanks for the response. Could you send me a link to those home testing kits? I agree that taking supplements or hormonal stuff has to be thought through as they can worsen things.


Posted : 05/11/2014 4:15 am

Hey come on, 175 dollars is peanut money, is your health worth to you less than 175 dollars? I wouldn't put any price tag to my health, I would pay any price necessary to get optimum health. You can always make more money!
