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Help With Cyst


Posted : 03/15/2014 2:52 pm

I've had this cyst that is about an inch below my jawline on my neck for about four weeks now. I ice it every night. It isn't huge (about the size of the top of a pencil eraser) but it is red and it raised a little and it is there and it pisses me off - ha ha!! Other than that my face is clear. My GP over the phone prescribed me a course of Eryrothomycin (10 days/1000 milligrams) and gave me a refill if I needed it. Has anybody heard of going on an antibiotic for an existing cyst and will it help?


Posted : 03/15/2014 3:52 pm

I tend to use a hot compress on mine, just to speed up the life cycle of the cyst. Others claim ice helps.

For me, if i use a hot compress It goes within a week.

Im not sure about the medication, i domt think it will do any harm.

At least your cyst wasn't on your nose or between your eyebrows, or near your lip.

Good luck


Posted : 03/15/2014 5:22 pm

I have used antibiotics when cysts get inflamed, or infected, and it does help them go away, because it deals with the infection. My cysts tend to be pretty large... like dime sized, and sometimes bigger. And usually extremely painful.


Posted : 03/15/2014 7:43 pm

I've suffered from one cyst here and there for a few years. I have a prescription for an antibiotic to help keep them away but I don't like to stay on it constantly because the high dosage upsets my stomach. It does help but it takes a long time, for me anyway. I prefer to take garlic capsules, which is a natural antibiotic, because it is less irritating to my stomach when I feel a cyst coming on. However, I always need to get a cortisone shot for mine to go away (not a pleasant experience, but its gone in hours). Hot compresses help draw out the infection, but again takes time. I have a lot of luck with black drawing salve (smells terrible though). It helps it go away wayyyyyy faster. Its my miracle product.

I'd say go on the antibiotics to keep it from getting infected (because it is PAINFUL if it does) and see if it goes away on its own. I also suggest to try black salve. And the old tired and true method of a cortisone shot if you want it gone in a day. I know how annoying cysts are!
