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Switching From Differin .3 To Differin .1


Posted : 10/30/2013 7:12 pm

I have been using Differin .3 for almost two years now ever since I started having very bad acne. Over the course of this period I have seen incredible results. Most of my acne has disappeared with occasional ones still occurring and still some red marks but just today I told my doctor to step down to the .1. I want to know if this is a good idea or not because my worst fear would be for me to get another sudden breakout like two years ago. I know if I get another breakout I am going to have severe scars and my life will pretty much be ruined.

The reason why I want to step down is because of constant dry skin (and yes I use moisturizer but it still doesn't help) as well as redness and itchiness to sun sensitivity. The biggest concern though is I don't want to be using this forever.


BTW, I am a 20 year old male.


Posted : 10/30/2013 11:28 pm

If its working I wouldnt change it. I used differin.03 with great results in high school then went off it (because of being in the army) and the only thing that has worked since is Accutane.


Posted : 10/31/2013 12:40 am

If its working I wouldnt change it. I used differin.03 with great results in high school then went off it (because of being in the army) and the only thing that has worked since is Accutane.

That's definitely some terrible news. I am on day 2 using Differin .1 and I really hope it doesn't worsen. I am just so sick of this extremely dry and red skin.


Posted : 10/31/2013 11:22 am

Yeah I mean try out the .01 for sure first. I was mostly saying I wouldnt quit everything all together.
