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The Only [Healthy] Regimen That Has Worked For Me


Posted : 10/12/2013 2:15 pm

I am a returning Accutane user.

This does not need much of an introduction; I know what it's like to have mild-moderate, yet extremely persistent acne. One thing works for a few months and then it's back to square one. Well, Accutane and birth control worked for over a year but those are both not options for me to continue due to certain health risk factors.

Anyway, I want to relate my experience because having acne is bad, but being old enough with all the clear-faced friends and them looking at your enormous cluster of tiny whiteheads is the worst.

If you want to know about my experience with Accutane, then I can talk about that later but I really want to relate the regimen that has improved my overall health, and given me the skin I always dreamed of.

I can't pinpoint it to one thing, but this is the regimen I started that has given me confidence in my appearance AND health like no other time since I can remember.


-Benzyl peroxide: I used this on problem areas to start me off. Usually this only works for about a month so I knew I had to look for something more sustainable.

-Hyaluronic Acid Serum Pure 100%: Once in the morning and night. It's like water, but a modern-day miracle because it helps acne within the first week AND it's an anti-aging product. Granted, I'm 22, but my skin looks moisturized and really glows - fine lines also disappear. A little goes a long way and so the 2 oz. bottle lasts me about three months. I got mine on Amazon, it's called Timeless.

-No picking/popping... I still do it, but it always makes it worse.


-LOTS OF WATER: Instantly improved my skin, within a day. Maybe it varies with people, but this is seriously the most underrated internal combatant against acne - and in my experience one of the most effective. Also, you can get a lot of your water intake by eating fruits and veggies.

-Other healthful drinks: Tea, cranberry juice, Kombucha, lemon water

-Vegetarianism/Almost Vegan Diet: I cook most of my food from scratch. High amounts of veggies, fruits, beans, nuts, eggs, Greek yogurt, herbs and spices. I also make fermented foods such as sauerkraut. Low amounts of processed sugar (substitute agave nectar), salt, and soy in moderation (lots of estrogen in here, can affect some people's hormones. It's enough to actually been proven to "feminize" men who consume large amounts of soy).


-NOW Hyaluronic Acid tablets - best (quality+price) value on Amazon: made my lips fuller... can't complain about that side-effect

The rest of these are best value found at [Removed] (I cannot recommend them enough):

-Milk Thistle: one of the best ways to cleanse the liver

-Saw Palmetto: crazy out of whack hormones are major causers of acne. This helps with excess testosterone in women, something I dealt with


-Green tea extract

-Cold-pressed fish oil: C-P does actually matter

-15 strain probiotic

-DIM Plus: Filters out harmful estrogen through liver and kidneys. This is ideally for women, and this is a major contributor to regulating my hormones. If it is too expensive try chasteberry or dong qa until you can afford a good quality DIM.

-I should get a multi, but the one I like is kind of expensive so I'm holding off for now.

Also, being happy is an awesome way to reduce stress - which could be related to disrupting your hormones and giving you a pizza face. This is obvious but often overlooked. My best habit is I ride my bicycle almost everywhere, and this gives the best happy-high whenever I arrive to school or work.

In Summary - Most important:

I hope this helps any possible readers out there, I feel I have spent so much time/money/stress on my face but now I've found something that combines my aspirations of health, anti-aging, and a clear face all into one. Any questions?

P.S. My brother did the Master Cleanse one time and it was so noticeably amazing on his glowing, clear face. I've never done it because I am already underweight but if you want to lose weight and get a headstart on clearing up your face I recommend it.
