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Low Dose 20 Mg-- Too Low?


Posted : 09/02/2013 12:54 am

I have pretty bad acne. My dermatologist said it was severe, but I'm not sure if that's accurate as I'm living in an Asian country. The dermatologist has prescribed me a 20 mg dose. It's been more than three months now. My skin feels smoother and I've had dry skin and lips, but I am still breaking out! Every day I have quite a few more pimples and some cysts. I'm afraid if I continue at 20 mg, it will take a long time to be finished. I'm planning on getting LASIK next summer, but I have to be finished with Accutane six months prior. Is it worth it to ask for a higher dose? Or has 20 mg worked for any of you in the short term (9-10 months or less)?


Posted : 09/02/2013 12:59 am

What do you weigh in kg?


Posted : 09/02/2013 3:05 am

Im also wondering the same thing! i've been on 10mg for a month and 20mg for a montha and im still breaking out! if anyone has any experience on low dose please help us! by the way im also thinking of calling my derm soon if it doesnt get better to get a dose increase


Posted : 09/02/2013 5:26 am

Any dose within the range of 0.1-1.0mg/kg/day appears to clear people to a similar extent and at a similar rate according to the following graph and table:

(Click to enlarge)
(Click to enlarge)
Therefore, in theory, you should be basically clear of acne by 4-6 months largely regardless of the dose you take.
(However, if you have severe acne on your body as well as your face, a dose on the lower end of this scale may not be sufficient to clear you.)
The advantage of using a lower dose is that there will be less side effects; a disadvantage is that you will have to be on Accutane for longer to reach the optimal cumulative dose range of 120-150mg/kg that minimises the chance of relapse post-Accutane.
Good luck
acne2000 liked

Posted : 09/02/2013 1:43 pm

I was most of the time on 20 for 7 months. My weight is 65kg. It did clear me completely whilst I was on it after month3-4. But right after I stopped taking accurate acne came back as before. That is my experience.


Posted : 09/03/2013 1:11 am


I was most of the time on 20 for 7 months. My weight is 65kg. It did clear me completely whilst I was on it after month3-4. But right after I stopped taking accurate acne came back as before. That is my experience.

dayum sucks to hear it came right back. How did it come back compared to how it was prior to accutane


Posted : 09/03/2013 6:58 pm

It came back just as bad as it was before. And oil returned within month to what it was before, so for me, the 'cure' was definitely a very temporary experience:) I do manage now with dan's regimen very nicely:)
