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Acne And Scarring


Posted : 05/12/2013 3:57 am

I am new to this site (been a member since 09 and must have forgot I registered lol )

Anyway, my issue is that I have had spots from the age of around 9 (that young yeah!) then it turned to chin acne around 13 then full blown cystic acne (now 23). My spots are a lot more tolerable (have been on oxytetracycline /cilest pill / some other pill can't remember name of it but it's the scars that are left behind from popping (so stupid i know ) but when you're in the moment of wanting to get rid of the little buggers off you're face you will resort to anything ! I have had scars for as long as I can remember and they make me SO UGLY! I used to be a nice looking girl but my scarring has turned me against my self. I think each and every one of us is our own worst enemy when it comes to judging our own looks . I can't afford laser treatments etc and would love my old skin bk :-(. I find my self snapping at the people closest to me (because of my self hatred of my looks) WTF is that all about makes me feel like a shitty person but it's true. Please let me know if any one has any tips for treating scarring :-) :-) thanks.

lewi liked

Posted : 05/12/2013 2:18 pm

I can relate to you more than other people I have seen on here. Everything you said describes me perfectly when it comes to how you feel about your scars.

I don't want to be negative but this is just me thinking out loud but there isn't a damn thing we can do about scaring. Pieces of our face are missing and skin does not regenerate. Lasers don't do sh*t it is only a short term fix from what I've read.

Only thing we can do is own it. Love life and just not care about it. But if you do come across some useful info let me know to. I've lost hope long ago.

lewi liked

Posted : 05/13/2013 4:22 am

Hey there, I think many people here can relate to your story, I know I certainly can.

Picking can make it a lot worse for sure, but severe cystic acne can lead to scarring even if you try your best not to pick (and it can be very hard to resist the urge not to). and it can be really difficult to treat too (in my experience it was), this is simply something beyond your control, so why should you be held accountable for it? You can't help it, so don't beat yourself up about

A young woman can still be very attractive with scarring, well i think so (I do have scarring myself, but I'm sure guys who aren't shallow with clear skin would agree) and i see stunning girls with scarring quite frequently, and usually i notice their pretty eyes or smile before their skin anyway.
Scarring does not render you ugly. Some shallow people might disagree, but why should we care about them?
I used to have the same mindset you are displaying, maybe worse as i was always looking at my skin in the mirror, examining the scarring and thinking it made me ugly.
it can be hard to work yourself out of this mentality, but hang in there! I found myself displaying symptoms of this you possibly may be too

but now I have accepted that i'm not ugly despite this and there's some things that I can't change, so why spend my life worrying about it?
You have taken they first step by standing back and being rational by accepting that everyone is their own worst critic, so good on you this is a good attitude to have. I realise it may be more difficult for girls to accept flaws as -contrived and unrealistic- western beauty standards seem to demand a girl have an unnaturally flawless complexion but this is often ridiculous and unattainable for many.

I have also found scarring treatments (laser) to be exorbitantly expensive and very ineffective too unfortunately.

You say you 'used to be' a nice looking girl and I am sure you still are. smile.png
Hang in there. Don't worry about your skin, try to live your life to the fullest. There is more to life than your complexion.


Posted : 05/14/2013 5:55 pm

girls/ boys try coconut oil!! about 4 weeks ago i came across reviews for coconut oil to cure acne! so i did a lot of reserach and saw people saying that theyve been suffering from terrible cystic acne for years and even tried accutane and it came back!! and when they tried coconut oil it cleared up! so i decided to give it a try..because like you and everyone else who suffers from acne..we get really desperate! I had nothing to lose because my skin was already bad! So i started using it 3 weeks ago and my skin has cleared right up! Mind you i still have scars but it also lightens scars too!!! you coud try it?? its cheap! and has a ton of other uses. theres like 101 uses lol!! I use the Nutiva brand. Its the best one in my opinion! i rinse my face with hot water, massage the coconut oil in as a cleanser for a few minutes and then i rinse it off. Gently dry my skin and then apply a bit more as a moisturizer and go to bed. I wake up and repeat! i know its iffy to put oil on your face lmao but read up on it! its antifungal and all this other stuff. trust me i did not think it was going to work but im SOOOOO glad i tried it because i was so depressed looking in the mirror!! and its so cheap and healthy. I even put it in my tea because they say it can help if you ingest it too...but anyways give it a try if you are desperate ad if it doesnt work at least you tried right? But you may be very surprised=) but MAKE SURE its ORGANIC, EXTRA VIRGIN, UNREFINED lol i cant stress that enough because i saw people saying oh it made my skin worse blah blah blah...well obviously they must have been using refined or something. try and get the Nutiva brand if you can!

Frank*L liked

Posted : 05/23/2013 2:47 pm

Cassie when you say scars you mean red marks right? I read an obscure article somewhere on the internet how some lady with acne scars used coconut oil and supposedly her skin went back to normal. but I notice a lot of people say acne scars when referring to red marks not just actual like "holes" scarring. I think at this point I'm willing to try anything to make my scars look at least half as good.


Posted : 05/27/2013 6:57 pm

yeah red marks sorry i always say scars lol cause it feels like its hopeless but they are lightening so much! i never dealt with actual like indent/crator scars(knock on wood) lol


Posted : 05/27/2013 7:04 pm

