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Glowing Skin


Posted : 04/14/2013 6:01 am

So I was wondering what products people in here would recommend for that glowing even skin once acne is clear? I am almost clear so I was looking for something to even out and give my skin that "glow", cause being on the regimen makes your skin kind of dull and rough looking you know? Anyways any help would be fantastic thank you!


Posted : 04/14/2013 6:54 am

Things that make my skin glow:

Drinking a glass of fresh vegetable juice daily. I usually go with 2 carrots, 1 cucumber, 1 tomato and 1 lemon.

I can't manage to do this every day at the moment, but even a few times a week is better than not having it at all.

Green tea (if it doesn't make you jittery). One cup right before going cycling really makes you sweat. That always resulted in glowly skin, for me.

Also, if you can cut refined sugar from your diet, that helps a lot!

