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Enough Is Enough!


Posted : 04/09/2013 2:14 am

Today, I felt like I had hit rock bottom. Being a freshman in college, I felt like I had no one to talk to my problems about. Especially when it's something as trivial as ACNE. I just couldn't control my emotions any longer. Out of desperation, I decided to drive over two hours to see my yellow lab....whom of which is like my brother, son, and best friend at the same time. (I grew up with three sisters and not much of a dad) Even after balling my eyes for over two hours, I just couldn't control my emotions when reuniting with Ace (my dog).

To make matters worst, my 16 year old sister shows up from school and is obviously surprised to see me. I tried my best to keep myself together. What kind of role model would I be if I let something as stupid as acne get me down? But my emotions got the best of me... I didn't want her to see me at such a low point, so I told her to go to her room and then I drove off. It was so dumb of me to come home...but I just didn't know what to do. My mom and two younger sisters were confused and deathly worried about me while I was trying to regain some composure. But when I thought I could come in and talk to them, I STILL BURST INTO TEARS...WTF.

I've dealt with severe acne throughout high school. Long story short, I was on antibiotics for awhile...but my acne became so bad that I had to start accutane the start of my senior year. Sadly, those last 3 months of my treatment (and 2 months before acne remission) were the best times of my life.

The reason I'm so depressed with myself is because I have let acne dictate my life for the past 4 years. I did horrible in high school because I was so self-concsious. I felt like college would be a new start, not only academically but also a new start at making new friends. And it was exactly that my first semester. But as my acne progressively got worst, so did my self esteem. I just wanted to quit...EVERYTHING. I've contemplated suicide so many times...but I know I could never go through with it because it would be such a selfish act given that I've been blessed with an amazing family. My older sister goes to a prestigious college, my 16 year old sister is a 4.0+ student, and my youngest sister is so loving.I can't even describe how supportive my mom is. Given those circumstances, I could never live with myself if I let them down. I know they don't care what I do in life, as long as I am happy. But it just kills me inside to know that I can't even be a good role model to my sisters...

To sum things up...I had a long talk with a close uncle of mine. (The closest thing I have to a father-figure) My mom was so worried because I wouldn't tell her what was bothering me.I know she would tell me to withdrawal from the rest of the semester if I had told her I was depressed. I'm sorry for making this post so long...I just wanted to vent and say that I AM DONE. I am sick and tired of letting this stupid condition dictate my life. THIS IS FOR MY MOM, MY SISTERS: EVA, TRACY, AND VICKY. MY DAD, ALL OF MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY. To anyone that is struggling out there...just know that talking about your problems can REALLLY help. I know this is just a stupid post and not many people will read this, but just know that there is ALWAYS someone you can talk to...


Posted : 04/09/2013 4:35 pm

No, it's not a stupid post at all. I was recently in a similar situation regarding my acne. I'm a senior in college, have a ton of friends already, and a pretty healthy social life in general. I've always had acne to some degree since high school but it never really entered my mind as something that could stop me from doing well academically, interacting with girls, or just going out casually. This all changed during a period of my college junior year when I was going through a bad breakout and I let it get to me. I was obsessive about treating my acne and was on the verge of breakdown many times. Unfortunately, earlier this year, that breakdown did come (spurred by a moderate breakout and some other negative thoughts) and I too decided to take a week off from school and go home. I constantly obsessed over my situation, couldn't look at myself in the mirror, and generally thought that people would start treating me very differently because of my current situation. I go out a lot, interact with girls, and see myself as a decently attractive guy but the obsession with acne altered my entire mind state and made me think that I was no longer worthy of the people that previously gave me attention. I have taken antibiotics once before for acne but it wasn't for very long. I am currently a month in on Solodyn and Ziana and, though some progress has been made, I can't wait to see the end of the second month, when I'll hopefully have clear skin. For now, I'm trying to avoid obsessing in the mirror and think realistically about how harshly people judge. In most cases, we are our own worst critics and delude ourselves into thinking that people are entirely dismissive of people with acne - especially in social situations. Don't let your acne dictate anything. I've seen people with poor complexions excel socially, romantically, and academically. In fact, if you really pay attention because you are hyper-sensitive to your acne, you'll notice that skin imperfections are very widespread.


Posted : 04/09/2013 9:59 pm

Today, I felt like I had hit rock bottom. Being a freshman in college, I felt like I had no one to talk to my problems about. Especially when it's something as trivial as ACNE. I just couldn't control my emotions any longer. Out of desperation, I decided to drive over two hours to see my yellow lab....whom of which is like my brother, son, and best friend at the same time. (I grew up with three sisters and not much of a dad) Even after balling my eyes for over two hours, I just couldn't control my emotions when reuniting with Ace (my dog).

To make matters worst, my 16 year old sister shows up from school and is obviously surprised to see me. I tried my best to keep myself together. What kind of role model would I be if I let something as stupid as acne get me down? But my emotions got the best of me... I didn't want her to see me at such a low point, so I told her to go to her room and then I drove off. It was so dumb of me to come home...but I just didn't know what to do. My mom and two younger sisters were confused and deathly worried about me while I was trying to regain some composure. But when I thought I could come in and talk to them, I STILL BURST INTO TEARS...WTF.

I've dealt with severe acne throughout high school. Long story short, I was on antibiotics for awhile...but my acne became so bad that I had to start accutane the start of my senior year. Sadly, those last 3 months of my treatment (and 2 months before acne remission) were the best times of my life.

The reason I'm so depressed with myself is because I have let acne dictate my life for the past 4 years. I did horrible in high school because I was so self-concsious. I felt like college would be a new start, not only academically but also a new start at making new friends. And it was exactly that my first semester. But as my acne progressively got worst, so did my self esteem. I just wanted to quit...EVERYTHING. I've contemplated suicide so many times...but I know I could never go through with it because it would be such a selfish act given that I've been blessed with an amazing family. My older sister goes to a prestigious college, my 16 year old sister is a 4.0+ student, and my youngest sister is so loving.I can't even describe how supportive my mom is. Given those circumstances, I could never live with myself if I let them down. I know they don't care what I do in life, as long as I am happy. But it just kills me inside to know that I can't even be a good role model to my sisters...

To sum things up...I had a long talk with a close uncle of mine. (The closest thing I have to a father-figure) My mom was so worried because I wouldn't tell her what was bothering me.I know she would tell me to withdrawal from the rest of the semester if I had told her I was depressed. I'm sorry for making this post so long...I just wanted to vent and say that I AM DONE. I am sick and tired of letting this stupid condition dictate my life. THIS IS FOR MY MOM, MY SISTERS: EVA, TRACY, AND VICKY. MY DAD, ALL OF MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY. To anyone that is struggling out there...just know that talking about your problems can REALLLY help. I know this is just a stupid post and not many people will read this, but just know that there is ALWAYS someone you can talk to...

Try changing your diet, there's probably something you're intolerant to in your diet that's giving you the acne in the first place.

Instead of loading up on pills to treat your acne you should be focused on treating it naturally - don't take the easy way out with "accutane". Also, you seem like the person that gets easily upset and prone to emotional outbursts which may be contributing to your acne buy causing your hormones to fluctuate. Calm down and chill.. don't get so upset over silly little things and your skin will probably improve.


Posted : 04/10/2013 1:00 am


Stay strong!

Trust me, I have been there too. Back then I would literally stay home for weeks because I wasn't happy.

Even nowadays I still get depressed from time to time because of things relating to acne.

Though, the best advices that I can give from my experience is to get enough sleep, eat whatever you like, take a walk in a quiet area, and most of all, have someone to talk to.

Every time when I feel sad, I would go straight to my friend and let everything out. And afterward I would feel much better, things would look brighter, even though the problem would still be there but I would feel better about dealing with it.


Posted : 04/10/2013 6:53 pm

Love, love, love, love it! The first time I broke out with severe acne two years ago I completely allowed it to control every aspect of my life. Now that I'm currently on my second severe breakout (16th day of accutane) and things are worse than ever but I take on the mindset you have! Acne will not control me. I never let anyone or anything control me until acne, and now I'm sick of it and I'm living life with no fear :) need anyone to talk to or just a buddy to bounce ideas off of I'm here!


Posted : 04/16/2013 9:02 am

you'll get there dude, it sucks suffering alone doesn't it. You make your family proud by just being alive, suicide is such a foolish way to end things. With that type of attitude you'll only create a stronger bond with your family and a positive outlook on beating acne. Let us know how your life is down the road. This post was so great to me. And Ace sounds like a terrific dog.
