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4 Months, No Improvement


Posted : 03/08/2013 10:18 am

I'm on 40mg twice per day, for about 15 weeks. I am still breaking out everywhere. I wish it would stop! Any similar (or different) experiences from ex-accutaners? I try to be very good at following the rules- I always take the pill with food, and my skin is extremely dry in patches- not everywhere. But I'm still an unhappy mess with acne everywhere.

My doctor says, "don't worry, it will work". But I just don't see how. I only have one more month left. Maybe I will go for 6 months (instead of 5)???


Posted : 03/08/2013 10:29 pm

You're not alone. I am in my fifth month and still breaking out though i still have seen improvements. Keep your head up as many people only see clearance AFTER treatment is better. If things are still horrid at month 5 then you might want to discuss with the derm a possiility of a month 6


Posted : 03/09/2013 10:13 am

Wow. From all the hundreds of positive reviews I've read about accutane, I expected better than this. According to Wikipedia, nearly everyone experiences initial clearing of acne on a high dose treatment w/ accutane. I guess you never know what to expect.
