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Clear With Yasmin!


Posted : 12/14/2012 3:02 am

Hi guys!


I wanted to give you my succes-story with yasmin :)


During puberty I always had practically non-existent acne. A few bumps here and there, but nothing serious.

When I turned 18, my acne got a bit worse. I don't know what caused it, but it flared up like nothing before.

I went on antibiotics and differin, which made my face clear and perfect.

Exactly 2 months after stopping antibiotics, I got the same old light acne back, which I had for years.

(with light acne I mean, some tiny skincoloured-bumps on my forehead/chin/cheeks, and maybe 2 or 3 red pimples at a time, and luckily those often didn't leave a mark)


I could handle it perfectly well, and about 5 months ago I went on BC for sexual-reasons. I reacted badly to different BC's in the past, so I carefully chose my new BC, and I came up with yasmin.


Well, 5 months later, and my face is clear. I didn't even go on BC to clear my acne, but this was a nice surprise!

I must say, I had some rough months on Yasmin. The first 2 months my acne flared up, with cysts on my chin, and some clogged pores that were pushed out on my cheeks. Month 3 and 4 I had the same light non-existent acne I had, but the beginning of month 5 was a nice surprise. My light marks are almost completely faded, I have some dark spots that look like freckles, if I get a pimple it's a red dot that forms a head in 1 day, and will be small/gone in about 3 days.


People compliment me on my face now, saying it's glowing and even, and that I must be happy to have a clear face when I'm only 19 years old.


Just wanna say, if you have light/mild acne, Yasmin c¡n be the perfect BC to clear your acne. I experienced NONE of the listed negative side-effects. My boobs got bigger, I didn't gain weight, I still have the same metabolism, and my light acne is GONE!
