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Att: Members, Please Read!


Posted : 12/02/2012 10:13 am

Hey Guys and Girls,

I've been a member of this discussion board for quite a few years now (just look at my username), and after reading several of the topics posted in this particular forum I just would like to say a few things if you could all bare with me for just a little while :)


I'm currently 22 and have had moderate acne since 2007 although these days I'm luckily clear 95% of the time due to my skin regime. If anybody hasn't used it, I suggest using Azelaic Acid in combination with a Cetaphil cleanser, it's been the only real thing that has ever cleared me up! I cannot use Benzoyl Peroxide as I'm allergic to it, but Salicylic Acid does wonders for my skin! I exfoliate with a 2% SA toner morning and night followed by Finacea (Azelaic Acid) simultaneously. It took me at least a month to see results initially but when I did people for the first time started complimenting my skin and saying how clear it was becoming. Obviously this is a change from the normal 'Oh wow you seem to be breaking out heaps man!'.


I know what it is like, I know exactly how you all feel, waking up each day and hoping no more new pimples have surfaced. Having oily skin I tend to develop pimples rather quickly but thanks to Salicylic Acid my breakouts have dramatically reduced. Paula's Choice 2% BHA Lotion works great on my skin just incase anybody would like to know what product I'm using. Please please please, don't ever give up and let your acne ruin your life (YES, I know that's easier said then done but I've been through it just like you have!).


Don't ever think you are anything less than perfect, because life has challenges for all of us to overcome and even though it may seem unfair others are blessed with 'flawless' skin I'm certain they have their own problems they are facing! I too used to wake up and hope to avoid people incase they saw my skin, I too used to make up excuses to avoid going out, I too used to suffer in silence whenever I was alone, but just know that you CAN conquer your skin, don't let it conquer you! It's not worth taking your lives over, think of your family and friends and all the love they have for you (although I know some of you may say 'they don't show it', but they really do love you!!).


Wake up in the morning and tell yourself 'I don't give a damn what people think of me, I'm me and that's how it is!' Have a positive attitude, your personality shines through and people will notice! Stick to your products as best as you can, but don't get upset over this annoying skin condition, after all there is MUCH worse out there!


I apologise for taking up your time and reiterating what you probably already know and have read a thousand times but trust me, it does get better! Live your life, care for your skin and let it go! Don't fall into the 'I'm not going to be happy until my skin clears up' trap like I did at one point, the time is now, be confident and your acne will disappear!! People love you for you, not for your skin!!


If anybody ever needs to talk I'm more than happy to discuss, just please don't get upset and stress over acne, it really isn't THAT bad although it may seem like it is at times! Enjoy your lives and spend your time with your family and friends, don't spend it in front of the mirror hurting yourself with fake thoughts!


I wish you all the best :)


Posted : 12/02/2012 11:10 am

Thanks for the positivity. I'm glad you found something that works for you. I'm trying to adopt the attitude you talk about, but it's hard! :)


Posted : 12/02/2012 4:09 pm

What a beautiful post, Joey! :)


I also used to let acne control my emotions AND my life in general. It would make me so angry at everyone and, like you, I would avoid seeing people or going outside. But, you're right...working towards clear skin is difficult, but so do-able. I agree with everything you said in this post.


Also, I finally got (almost 100%) clear after using Paula's Choice Products as well! I started with the 2% BHA liquid and added in AHA, a cleanser, and her BP. Congratulations on finding something that helps get rid of your acne! It's always wonderful to read posts that are positive and uplifting. Acne can be so crippling and it's important for people to read happy things. Thank you!



Posted : 12/02/2012 8:24 pm

Thank you :)


I'm glad some people have found this post inspiring and helpful! To anybody else reading this post, feel free to share your thoughts, don't be shy! Acne is definitely one of the most annoying skin conditions but as I've said it can be cleared! Don't overly stress about things such as what others are thinking of you or how 'good' your skin looks today, it's not worth it!


You can't have a rainbow without a bit of rain, so the struggle you are all going through now will end and you will eventually realise having clear skin isn't the 'BEST' thing in life, being loved and appreciated in my opinion is! Yes there is always going to be people out their who have naturally clear skin, but that is the cards we are dealt, it's our challenge and believe me you will emerge even stronger then ever before! My confidence now has boosted through the roof even though at times I still break out. I don't take crap of anybody anymore and I have my acne to thank for that, it was my own form of getting me prepared for life!


Take time on your regimes, don't expect results to happen quickly, I was worried they would never happen! One day I just decided I'm going to stick with my regime properly as the way I see it 4 weeks is going to come no matter what and in 4 weeks time I could be clearer or still the same, you choose! You can't stop time from happening, so you may aswell be diligent and follow through!


Christmas is coming up rapidly and I want you all to be happy that you are HERE to celebrate it, some people aren' please, enjoy your holidays and most of all, don't let a picky skin condition rule your life, it's going to clear up soon, I promise!!! :)


Posted : 12/03/2012 9:09 pm

No offense but saying not to worry about your acne and not let it control your life is easy to say when you have clear skin like you do....


Posted : 12/05/2012 12:21 am

i despise your optimism. its okay to be happy, but dear god don't suddenly undermine the amount of work and suffering that the rest of us have to go through with trivial shit like "don't let a picky skin condition rule your life". i'm sure you've let it rule yours when you had it. hindsight 20/20


Posted : 12/05/2012 1:22 am

I agree with you, and him. Reasons being are that one you are blinded by the reoccurent anger that you let drive your life for you because of acne. Yes, some of us can manage those emotions better than others which is one of the reasons why he says dont let it run your life. It took me months, maybe a year for me to realize being mad all the time at me, at it, at others for providing helpful advice or insight was not the answer. I took that drive and used to it to help myself, i used it as motivation, and i developed a "dont give a shit attitude" which helped me get by the tough days. Just remember with any thing moderation is key as its not okay to be that way all the time. Back to the point, you have a right to be mad, but realize that we've all been there, you are not alone. Its just that some of us are at different stages- some are recovering, some are in denial, some are forever mad and hopeless. All in all its a painful process for anyone to go through as its pretty much the same as long as it continues that i've seen. Some people just cope differently. For him, and for me after i saw light at the end of the tunnel i felt compelled to "pay it forward"- to help others and provide insight.


So dont be angry at him for trying to help. We've all been there. We know. We are here for each other as we are not the enemy. Do not forget that.


Posted : 12/14/2012 4:56 pm

It sounds like someone he knows personally recently gave up on themselves and he is simply saying to us, what he feels his friend needed to hear.

I am suffering now, I am frustrated now, and I am DONE with the impact acne has had on my life. I am struggling with you, but I see what OP is saying in that it is just skin, the people who love us truly love us no matter what. Its nice to have someone encouraging and taking the time---now that they have clear skin--- to come back to this forum and encourage others. How many people after they have won the war, go back to the battleground just to help out others?? That's a pretty stand up guy, and if he didn't understand what it was like, he wouldn't have bothered coming back here.


Thanks OP for your kind words. I sincerely hope I'm wrong and the post wasnt inspired by a loss or negative event in your life.
