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The Accutane Decision - I Want Your Input, If You'll Read


Posted : 09/26/2011 7:35 pm


I've been an visitor for a couple years now, so here goes finally with my spiel:




Severity of acne has varied over the past 6 years. I believe now it's the worst it's ever been - I've said that before too many times in my life, though! But really.


Things I Have Tried:









possibly tetracycline, I can't even remember

light therapy - 4 different devices

Orthotricycline (birth control)

Spironolactone - got so dizzy!!! Had to get off after a week and a half sad.png

currently Bactrim

other things I probably can't even remember!


Dermatologists: on my fifth, somehow (well I did move, that's part of it)


$$$ spent...plenty! You all know how it goes.





I know a good number of people would have pulled the Accutane trigger by now.


I started getting acne around age 15. It was different then because I didn't usually get deep cystic acne, although I got some pretty impressive blemishes. But mostly that "surface-y" stuff is what I had.


By the time I was 16 I was starting with topicals. The most success I ever had was with Duac, I used to use that a fair amount. BP is the most effective ingredient for me, but it's never been a cure, and the stuff I'm dealing with now laughs in the face of BP. Plus, even if I've been using it regularly for a couple weeks or whatever, I'll randomly get really red and start burning. That's why I had to quit the regimen. Plus, I'm not putting that much BP on my face for the rest of my life, sorry. (But I do <3 the cleanser, which I use with Cerave moisturizer.)


By the time I was 18 and a senior in high school, it was pretty bad, and I was prescribed Accutane after trying some of those things listed above. Got the ipledge booklet and all that. I was kind of excited at first, I was like "I have tried everything" and "I'm going to college next year, I should do this." But then I decided there was still time for me and I elected not to do it. I was like ugh, is it bad enough to justify this? I was really scared of Accutane, and that hasn't changed obviously. I decided to see if my acne would run its course by my senior year of we are!


Freshman year it wasn't so so terrible. Sophomore year I tried the regimen. Then I tried light therapy - and with this cheap and silly little device on eBay, I had beautiful skin for a solid 6 months. I did the light therapy + tea tree oil. It was insane. I really thought I was done with this battle. I looked at my face all the time! It was real. I even obliged when my parents wanted a Christmas photo of my brother and me. Now I'm like NO and NOT with the SLR camera...


That was BLISS.




Then I got a little lax, but the acne stayed away even with less regular use. But then it came back worse than ever about 8 months later.


I was upset about it all the time. Where I interned, the very front room had a big mirror and tons of daylight. My face would look so bad some mornings with cystic acne. I've never had so much cystic acne - and I've had a good amount - until this year.


And now it's mostly on my cheeks/jawline...that deep hormonal stuff. Before and during my period is a nightmare. I have new cysts so frequently.


And now the marks are taking a little bit longer to go away than when I was 18, because I'm getting older and my skin's a little less resilient...






I have cried enough about this over the years, when it gets that bad, it's terrible. I know most of you know. I've stayed in because of it. I've lost some enthusiasm for going out on the weekends. It's affecting my quality of life.


...Especially because I KNOW WHAT I LOOK AND FEEL LIKE WITH CLEAR SKIN. And that changes everything.


And most recently I have positively agonized over a familiar decision...Accutane. The kind of acne I have right now fits the bill. I have no reason to believe it's going anywhere. I've approached this methodically. My dermatologist has said to let him know if I want to do it. I saw him on Friday, and he recommended Bactrim, and I said fine, maybe it'll work and tide me over since I'm going to be in Europe for three weeks in December. I am not going to stay on an antibiotic for more than 3 months, it's only buying time if it works anyway.


So now I just want to call them and be like "I changed my mind, let's get Accutane started."


I'm aware of the risks. My biggest fears are potentially developing IBS or, God forbid, Crohn's Disease. I just recently mostly outgrew IBS...can't imagine reintroducing that back into my life - misery! And I have 20/20 vision...I know Accutane can mess with that, though it's rare.


Tell me what you think, fellow acne sufferer. And if you have any questions, just ask.








Posted : 09/26/2011 9:05 pm

Geez..I feel for you. I took accutane and my face cleared up so nice. I was so happy and still am..mid 40's. I have a daughter struggeling..not yet a teenager! Her acne is mid-severe. She's on spiro, bc and antibiotic. They want her to do accutane ane she is soo young. I don't know. I have crohns now. About 15 years after accutane. SO I don't kow. Let us know what you know what you do..S


Posted : 09/26/2011 9:09 pm

I'm sorry you've had to go through all of that... everybody here understands how much it utterly sucks, especially when you put your heart and soul into each treatment you're handed and you don't get any results. The issue with antibiotics is that once you stop them, the acne comes back.

Don't be afraid to try Accutane. You know your body better than anybody else and if anything doesn't seem right, you have all the power to pull the plug on it. I've tried everything under the sun and Accutane was my last option. The horrible side effects are the rarest ones. The thing is, when people are dissatisfied, they're more vocal, so you're more likely to read negative things about it than positive things. Go to your dermatologist, they'll tell you what you need to know, trust in them, and listen to your body.


Posted : 09/26/2011 9:33 pm

Geez..I feel for you. I took accutane and my face cleared up so nice. I was so happy and still am..mid 40's. I have a daughter struggeling..not yet a teenager! Her acne is mid-severe. She's on spiro, bc and antibiotic. They want her to do accutane ane she is soo young. I don't know. I have crohns now. About 15 years after accutane. SO I don't kow. Let us know what you know what you do..S


Oh wow, that's nuts, 15 years later!!! I have a friend who has "natural" er, non-Accutane related Crohn's, and it's terrible. I'm sorry that happened to you. And I hate to hear that about your daughter...the only comfort is that at least at that age, a lot of her peers are going through it too, even if most are to a lesser extent. Does seem young for Accutane though. I think my friend went on it when she was 16


Posted : 09/27/2011 12:33 am

Accutane is kinda pointless. Went on an extended mid-dosage course of it and it worked great. Until my derm pulled me off it. Acne came back the same.

Then I made the best choice in my life and decided to treat my acne naturally through diet and exercise and I was clear within 2 months and had the best looking skin than I ever did. Still have some very mild scarring that you can see if you're close up but other than that I'm comfortable with my skin. Before you screw around with something as serious as Accutane, try the natural path.

Clearly the chemical cleansers and pills aren't working. I think we can both agree on that.


Posted : 09/27/2011 1:32 am

Accutane is not pointless. Some people cannot clear their acne through dietary changes. I respect that that is how you have cleared your skin, but Accutane has helped a lot of people who were at the end of their tether. It's unfortunate that it didn't work for you, but if it were in fact pointless then nobody would take it. :)


Posted : 09/27/2011 6:25 am

I would try it.


I am on it now. It has not started to work yet (I'm only in my second week) but I wish I didn't put it off so long as now I have extra scarring.


Also, why be miserable about your acne when there is (possibly) something you can do about it?


Good luck!


Posted : 09/27/2011 7:23 am

Accutane is not pointless. Some people cannot clear their acne through dietary changes. I respect that that is how you have cleared your skin, but Accutane has helped a lot of people who were at the end of their tether. It's unfortunate that it didn't work for you, but if it were in fact pointless then nobody would take it. smile.png


Amen. I'm probably gonna do it. At the end of my tether


Posted : 09/27/2011 9:12 am

It's up to you, but I'd say 'Fuck no. Don't even consider it'. I know what I'm talking about.

If you think the chances are low that you will develop side effects, you are mistaken. Firstly, the stats are not accurate. Whatever they say, be it '20% chance of hairloss, or 30% chance) means that's how many people have reported to them. They don't go around chasing answers.

Like the guy even said above, you can get side effects years later.

It's uncertain why, as of yet, but it seems Accutane leaves its mark.

I have a hell of a lot or problems thanks to this.

What you need to realise is this: You do not have acne because your body is missing isotrenion (accutane). If you want a quick fix, then be my guest, but knowledge is power and you need to know that a decision like this should not be taken lightly. This drug was invented for Cancer, not something so superficial as Acne.

It may sound like I'm shouting at you by saying this, but I'm only writing this because I have your future in mind ...

Stop making a big deal out of spots. They're just spots! Sure, I won't lie, it doesn't look nice but you have NOT got severe acne. Most of your skin is clear. If people judge you based on what you look like, tell them they can fuck off. I've read so many books that I feel I can offer good advice.

1st, realise that you're stopping yourself doing things. Not the acne, you. I've seen people with Acne (worse than yours) laughing and enjoying life. The way you think determines your decision. If you keep thinking 'My skin looks terrible' your brain will look for the fastest solution, which isn't always best.

2nd, realise that every action has a consequence. I believe things happen for a reason. Acne is caused by hormones/stress/diet. That's just fact. People who say chocolate doesn't cause spots don't have a clue. Sure, some people seem to be able to eat whatever and they don't get spots. They have some other problem I'm sure. Spots DO get worse through bad diet. It's toxins. Man-made foods like a chocolate bar do nothing for you. They actually put a strain on your body. Your liver has to deal with toxins, and when it's overloaded the toxins build up, and can cause breakouts. Eat some real food!

3rd, Don't turn to a doctor for everything. Drugs are harmful. Nature is the way to go. I had to learn this the hard way. You can too if you don't listen to.

4th, Do you really want to risk the future of your health for this? You only get one life. Don't play Russian Roulette.

5th, I assume you know about the risks? I didn't when I took this 5 years ago. The list was short and I was told the side-effects (which aren't 'side', they are direct) would go once finishing the drug. Obviously, that wasn't true. There are some terrifying effects. You can have your body ruined from the inside out, and there's nothing you can do to reverse it.

6th, You could realise that hormones are natural and will slow down. You're still only 21. You will get better. Accutane will help only in the short-term. Don't forget there is a future out there. How many older people have acne? I don't see any, ever.

So, to summarise, my advice is:

Don't even think about taking this shit. There is enough evidence out there now.

Eat Healthier. Realise that what you eat makes up your body's physiology. Eat shit food and you will be shit. Eat nutritious foods and you will create a healthy body.

Use natural products. I use an aloe vera soap.

Don't wait for your skin to be clear to keep living. Think of poor old me with all my worries :P

Really though, acne is nothing. I wish I had a way of showing you. Seeing is believing.

Stop focusing all your attention and energy onto this. Go do what you want to do.

Acne is considered normal. I have dry eyes (a side effect) which make me look like I'm on drugs.

If you think you need clear skin to be loved, you are mistaken.

All the best,



Posted : 09/27/2011 6:00 pm

go on it, hope it works for you


Posted : 09/27/2011 7:43 pm

Accutane is kinda pointless. Went on an extended mid-dosage course of it and it worked great. Until my derm pulled me off it. Acne came back the same.


And thats why it did not work for you. Some people think you can take a longer course at a lower dose so you get reduced side effects and you will still get the correct cumulative dose for your body weight, this is incorrect. Not only that, but your dermatologist pulled you off it to end your course early.

The thing is, when people are dissatisfied, they're more vocal, so you're more likely to read negative things about it than positive things.


This is very true. Most people are unlikely to revisit sites such as this when their acne has been cured, they just want to forget about acne and move on. Don't get taken in by the accutane scare mongering and horror stories you read on the internet, two years before I started my first course of accutane I was taken in by them, and my reward was further scaring.

And there is another example of Gutterflower's point. I am now on my second course after completing my first one three years ago, reading this forum would lead you to believe that multiple courses are necessary for the vast majority of people, however would I even be on this forum now if my acne had stayed away? Nope.


Posted : 09/28/2011 12:00 am

Accutane is not pointless. Some people cannot clear their acne through dietary changes. I respect that that is how you have cleared your skin, but Accutane has helped a lot of people who were at the end of their tether. It's unfortunate that it didn't work for you, but if it were in fact pointless then nobody would take it. smile.png


Amen. I'm probably gonna do it. At the end of my tether


Just listen to your body. If anything alarms you, doesn't sit right with you or makes you far too uncomfortable to cope, stop taking it. People blow things out of proportion when it hasn't worked for them (and understandably become quite jaded about it). I'm 22, I've tried to clear myself holistically, but at risk of sounding ignorant or lazy, I do not want food to control me for the rest of my life because I'm afraid something's going to break me out. It absolutely works for some people. But for others, it is just not a viable option.


Posted : 09/28/2011 10:37 pm

Accutane is kinda pointless. Went on an extended mid-dosage course of it and it worked great. Until my derm pulled me off it. Acne came back the same.


And thats why it did not work for you. Some people think you can take a longer course at a lower dose so you get reduced side effects and you will still get the correct cumulative dose for your body weight, this is incorrect. Not only that, but your dermatologist pulled you off it to end your course early.

The thing is, when people are dissatisfied, they're more vocal, so you're more likely to read negative things about it than positive things.


This is very true. Most people are unlikely to revisit sites such as this when their acne has been cured, they just want to forget about acne and move on. Don't get taken in by the accutane scare mongering and horror stories you read on the internet, two years before I started my first course of accutane I was taken in by them, and my reward was further scaring.

And there is another example of Gutterflower's point. I am now on my second course after completing my first one three years ago, reading this forum would lead you to believe that multiple courses are necessary for the vast majority of people, however would I even be on this forum now if my acne had stayed away? Nope.


Exactly. I've already made the appointment with the dermatologist. It's time to deal with this. And for people who've had terrible experiences, I am so sorry. All I can do is hope that this will go over well, the first time. I've agonized over this decision for too long.


Posted : 09/29/2011 8:41 am

I agree with the person who said as soon as you don't feel right stop taking it. I took it for 2 weeks and my doc told me to stop bc my hair started coming out. I love my hair and I don't want to be bald with clear skin. In the 2 weeks I was on it I really found my skin responding well so I'm upset that I had to stop. Good luck to you.


Posted : 09/29/2011 1:30 pm

Agh I'm so terrified that that could happen to me...but yeah I will listen to my body. Sorry it didn't work for you :(:( I don't know where you go when Accutane doesn't work and you've tried everything else. Hopefully you find something that works!!! My mom got me a Clarisonic. It's really really nice. It'll at least make the parts of your face that aren't broken out very clear. I've only had it for about a week, so I'll give it a good review down the road when I can use it regularly.


Posted : 09/29/2011 1:59 pm

If you feel like you've gone down all other routes and tried antibiotics and hormonal treatments without success, Accutane is worth a look.

As long as you go into it prepared and listen to your body throughout the course, there's no reason why you wouldn't be able to get through it.

For some people it doesn't work first time or they aren't able to complete the course for whatever reason, but there are so many people who get amazing, long term results, not to mention their confidence and life back. And if you do go for it, you can be sure that the advice and support is here for you. :)


Posted : 09/29/2011 7:30 pm

If you feel like you've gone down all other routes and tried antibiotics and hormonal treatments without success, Accutane is worth a look.

As long as you go into it prepared and listen to your body throughout the course, there's no reason why you wouldn't be able to get through it.

For some people it doesn't work first time or they aren't able to complete the course for whatever reason, but there are so many people who get amazing, long term results, not to mention their confidence and life back. And if you do go for it, you can be sure that the advice and support is here for you. smile.png


Thank you so much! I have exhausted the options.


Posted : 09/29/2011 7:49 pm

One of the reasons people go on Accutane is because all of the treatments (and, there is usually many) they have went on usually control the acne -make it "look" good- then it comes back, in full force. Happens to me all the time, which is why I have a doctor's appointment next week, to TRY and get on Accutane.

I mean, hey, it's like this. You want to get rid of your acne permanently, but you're scared (maybe not scared, but nervous/doubtful about the side effects, permanent damage, etc) But in my view, you only live once, and sure, people will counter-act this with "Don't ruin your life by taking this drug!!" But, jeez, you're ruining you life by suffering with acne all the time.

Anyway, I'm just rambling on, but if you want to go on it, you've exhausted all of the other options, and you've thought it out well and thorough, discussed it with family/friends/your doctor, and you feel confident with it all, then go on it. Sure, there's people who have "horror" stories (although, how many of these were caused by genetics?) but there's 100x amount of people that have had AMAZING experiences and have not had one breakout since.


Posted : 09/29/2011 8:36 pm

Good luck to you. Think positive :)



Posted : 09/30/2011 1:01 pm

Absolutely. It's gotten significantly worse in the past two months, it was foolish of me to wait this long because I'm starting to scar like never before. At this rate I'll be able to take my first pill in November...(love being a girl) and I am ready..I want my life back.


Posted : 09/30/2011 2:49 pm

If you think the chances are low that you will develop side effects, you are mistaken. Firstly, the stats are not accurate. Whatever they say, be it '20% chance of hairloss, or 30% chance) means that's how many people have reported to them. They don't go around chasing answers.

Stop making a big deal out of spots. They're just spots! Sure, I won't lie, it doesn't look nice but you have NOT got severe acne. Most of your skin is clear. If people judge you based on what you look like, tell them they can fuck off. I've read so many books that I feel I can offer good advice.

1st, realise that you're stopping yourself doing things. Not the acne, you. I've seen people with Acne (worse than yours) laughing and enjoying life. The way you think determines your decision. If you keep thinking 'My skin looks terrible' your brain will look for the fastest solution, which isn't always best.

3rd, Don't turn to a doctor for everything. Drugs are harmful. Nature is the way to go. I had to learn this the hard way. You can too if you don't listen to.

6th, You could realise that hormones are natural and will slow down. You're still only 21. You will get better. Accutane will help only in the short-term. Don't forget there is a future out there. How many older people have acne? I don't see any, ever.

Eat Healthier. Realise that what you eat makes up your body's physiology. Eat shit food and you will be shit. Eat nutritious foods and you will create a healthy body.

Use natural products. I use an aloe vera soap.

If you think you need clear skin to be loved, you are mistaken.

All the best,



First of all I want to say that I respect that you have tried it and I am sorry that it gave you side effects. But here are my thoughts on a couple things you said.

1. You're right, probably not all have reported hair loss but not all have reported having no side effects either. Until you can prove that they include people that do not report after taking accutane as people who have had no side effects then the statistics are always going to be up for interpretation. Not everyone reports so how do they include those people in the stats is what I am saying. Unless you know for a fact they include them as people with no side effects then you can't be sure about any of the statistics out there.

2. I couldn't agree with you more that people should fuck off if they harass people for things such as acne. The sad thing is though we live in a very judgmental world and it effects people's self confidence which in turn effects their way they live. I am not saying this is how they should respond but it is how a lot of people handle it and I don't see why someone who is aware of the side effects should not be able to make a decision that they feel will allow them to have more self confidence and exceed in other things in life because of it. I personally will be in the job market come May after graduate school and I sure as hell don't to wake up every morning worried about acne when I am trying to start a career.

3.I know several "older individuals" in their 40's that still have acne. Yes there is a future but to some people a future with acne is something they don't want to deal with and you can't be sure it will magically go away over time.

4.I was a college athlete during my undergrad studies and ate healthy all the time and worked out 5-6 days a week. The acne was still there and I thought it could be because of products I was using. Went the natural route with my existing healthy diet and no changes over months and months. Unfortunately for some people this method just does not work and it is as simple as that. I still lift and do cardio workouts around 5-6 times a week and eat extremely healthy meals, several servings of fruits and vegetables a day, and take vitamins...still no change.

5.She may not think she needs clear skin to be loved, she may think she needs clear skin to live a more productive and stress free life. I know for me acne is something I think about every day no matter what and it has effected things I do and my mood which in turn can effect things such as your studies and social life. It's not science it's simply the way life is. Confident people typically lead healthier and more productive lives and if acne is diminishing your confidence then I don't see any reason to stay away from accutane as long as you are aware of both the short-term and long-term side effects.

I am not trying to go against everything you said because unlike you I do not know from first hand experience what accutane is like. But I do know what it is like to live with acne and at my age and point in my life I can honestly say my life would be better without it. You can disagree with that all you want but I understand the side effects of the drug and I plan to start taking it within the month. Maybe I have a bias opinion because I too am currently looking to get on it but I have felt this way for the 6 years I have been trying to keep acne under control with all the products out there.


Posted : 09/30/2011 7:21 pm

Right. I'm a senior this year, I'm set to graduate in May, and I too will be looking for a job. Frankly I dislike networking and the like enough with unblemished skin - but it affects my confidence and it's a huge distraction, etc. etc. I have no idea why my cystic acne has gotten so bad in the past two months or so, but they're really uncomfortable, too. And I've never stayed in because of acne for consecutive weeks, and unfortunately that's where I find myself. Plus....scarring.

So jealous of you CAPS8, I'm ready to get this process started!!!


Posted : 10/01/2011 1:28 pm

If you think the chances are low that you will develop side effects, you are mistaken. Firstly, the stats are not accurate. Whatever they say, be it '20% chance of hairloss, or 30% chance) means that's how many people have reported to them. They don't go around chasing answers.

Stop making a big deal out of spots. They're just spots! Sure, I won't lie, it doesn't look nice but you have NOT got severe acne. Most of your skin is clear. If people judge you based on what you look like, tell them they can fuck off. I've read so many books that I feel I can offer good advice.

1st, realise that you're stopping yourself doing things. Not the acne, you. I've seen people with Acne (worse than yours) laughing and enjoying life. The way you think determines your decision. If you keep thinking 'My skin looks terrible' your brain will look for the fastest solution, which isn't always best.

3rd, Don't turn to a doctor for everything. Drugs are harmful. Nature is the way to go. I had to learn this the hard way. You can too if you don't listen to.

6th, You could realise that hormones are natural and will slow down. You're still only 21. You will get better. Accutane will help only in the short-term. Don't forget there is a future out there. How many older people have acne? I don't see any, ever.

Eat Healthier. Realise that what you eat makes up your body's physiology. Eat shit food and you will be shit. Eat nutritious foods and you will create a healthy body.

Use natural products. I use an aloe vera soap.

If you think you need clear skin to be loved, you are mistaken.

All the best,



First of all I want to say that I respect that you have tried it and I am sorry that it gave you side effects. But here are my thoughts on a couple things you said.

1. You're right, probably not all have reported hair loss but not all have reported having no side effects either. Until you can prove that they include people that do not report after taking accutane as people who have had no side effects then the statistics are always going to be up for interpretation. Not everyone reports so how do they include those people in the stats is what I am saying. Unless you know for a fact they include them as people with no side effects then you can't be sure about any of the statistics out there.

2. I couldn't agree with you more that people should fuck off if they harass people for things such as acne. The sad thing is though we live in a very judgmental world and it effects people's self confidence which in turn effects their way they live. I am not saying this is how they should respond but it is how a lot of people handle it and I don't see why someone who is aware of the side effects should not be able to make a decision that they feel will allow them to have more self confidence and exceed in other things in life because of it. I personally will be in the job market come May after graduate school and I sure as hell don't to wake up every morning worried about acne when I am trying to start a career.

3.I know several "older individuals" in their 40's that still have acne. Yes there is a future but to some people a future with acne is something they don't want to deal with and you can't be sure it will magically go away over time.

4.I was a college athlete during my undergrad studies and ate healthy all the time and worked out 5-6 days a week. The acne was still there and I thought it could be because of products I was using. Went the natural route with my existing healthy diet and no changes over months and months. Unfortunately for some people this method just does not work and it is as simple as that. I still lift and do cardio workouts around 5-6 times a week and eat extremely healthy meals, several servings of fruits and vegetables a day, and take vitamins...still no change.

5.She may not think she needs clear skin to be loved, she may think she needs clear skin to live a more productive and stress free life. I know for me acne is something I think about every day no matter what and it has effected things I do and my mood which in turn can effect things such as your studies and social life. It's not science it's simply the way life is. Confident people typically lead healthier and more productive lives and if acne is diminishing your confidence then I don't see any reason to stay away from accutane as long as you are aware of both the short-term and long-term side effects.

I am not trying to go against everything you said because unlike you I do not know from first hand experience what accutane is like. But I do know what it is like to live with acne and at my age and point in my life I can honestly say my life would be better without it. You can disagree with that all you want but I understand the side effects of the drug and I plan to start taking it within the month. Maybe I have a bias opinion because I too am currently looking to get on it but I have felt this way for the 6 years I have been trying to keep acne under control with all the products out there.


Hey man.

I'm not going to disagree.

I think what you've said is very fair.

For me, I guess I forget that Accutane actually did what it was meant to do. I'm living in such regret and fear that I probably have a distorted view of my life before taking the drug. I want to be a Musician, but see my side effects as immovable obstacles, but maybe I'd still have acne now if I didn't take the drug and that would be my obstacle instead.

The more I grow though, the more I believe there is a reason for things.

I guess I could be wrong, but I believe acne can be cured without drugs.

I don't really have the chance to experiment on myself mind you, but I believe people living with acne in adulthood aren't doing everything right.

The amount of times digestive issues are reported alongside acne doesn't strike me as a coincidence.

Of course, being still young, yours is most likely just due to hormones (as your diet sounds commendable).

But sure, you are entitled to your own choices.

I do think this drug should only be given to over 18's, but the nice young lady who posted is, of course, above that age.

I just wanted to add my comment as I felt obliged to voice my opinion.

I don't think Accutane is just a regular drug at all.

The amount of people who seem to get side effects later on, out of nowhere - Why does that happen?

I'm 21 and have a few grey hairs now. Why? My Dad got his grey hairs in his late 30's. I know it's the accutane, but why does that happen?

It's a very strange drug and I don't think there is enough information out there to justify giving it out.

As far as scarring goes, Accutane is well known to leave scarring behind as it can slow down wound healing.

I have some light scarring.. It could be a lot worse, so for that I am grateful.

However, I did read that Zinc is supposed to help avoid scarring.

You might know this already, but it's worth looking into.

I guess it's a bit of a blow to get rid of the acne, only to be left with scars.

Anyway, I didn't mean to scare anyone or cause conflict.

But I am a real person who has been deeply affected by this drug.

I'm not some nutter with nothing better to do with his time.

Whoever is considering Accutane can now make an informed decision about taking it.

I wouldn't wish bad upon any of you, so good luck if you do decide to take this.

I hope it gives you clear skin and you can live your life how you wish to.

I know one other person who took accutane and they seem fine.

I guess it's down to luck, at least until there is a real explanation.

All the best,



Posted : 10/01/2011 3:14 pm

You may consider reading the above book before making a final decision, however, as you will be able to see what the manufacturers of this drug are like.


Posted : 10/01/2011 5:29 pm

Absolutely. It's gotten significantly worse in the past two months, it was foolish of me to wait this long because I'm starting to scar like never before. At this rate I'll be able to take my first pill in November...(love being a girl) and I am ready..I want my life back.


lol just one more month, good luck!

And the chances that you develop bad side effects ARE low:

What is the incidence of severe side effects while on Accutane?

Basically, the study investigated the incidence of side effects - severe and non-severe - in 1743 people who underwent a standard course of Accutane (isotretinoin), with 703 of the 1743 people receiving a high dose of 0.76-1.0 mg/kg/day.

In the 1743 people studied, which included 703 who took a high daily dose, the only serious adverse events prompting treatment discontinuation were 2 pregnancies (~0.1%). While Accutane is a known teratogen, it does not cause pregnancies.
