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post accutane redness


Posted : 05/04/2011 2:37 am

My skin is now ultra sensitive and when i wash plus put on moisturizer its now really red except from around the eyes.

Its been one month since i was off tane.


1.Does someone have this problem or HAD this problem and know how to solve it?


2.Can this go away with time or will my skin be this sensitie for ever?


3.Are there something i can eat to help my skin heal and maybe go back to its former glory?( i never had issues with red skin before while i had acne. My skin was actually realy awesome! (besides acne)


Posted : 12/24/2019 2:43 pm


I am wondering if you ever got relief from this? I finished accutane 3 months ago and my skin is so irritable, all moisturizers make it turn red and sting. But it™s so dry, it needs the moisture. I™m just so unsure how to help it. It feels so dry like lizard skin; I want to rub an intense moisturizing cream all over it so it may be soft again, but they all seem to irritate :/
