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HELP!! For godness sake


Posted : 01/29/2020 10:00 am

salam guys I am suffering because of those bumps they are painless and they seems never go away 

I'm 17 now and they showed up since I was 12 year old 

Now I don't anyone to stare too long to my face it becomes embarrassing I consulted a dermatologist and she told me that there is no solution except laser,but I'm scared my family told me that laser is dangerous and that I am too young 

The doctor tried pricking the bump with a needle to see  if anything come out like pus or some sort of fluid but the surprise that nothing come out literally nothing the bumps are totally empty!!

please suggest anything to me 

p.s: I'm  not talking about that red stuff (I don't know even what is it ) I'm talking about those pimples that their colour is the same with my colour's skin.




Posted : 02/06/2020 3:08 am

Hi, I suggested this to you in your other post already, go to your doctor and ask for them to be cauterized. If they are unwilling then find a beauty salon that offers cauterization.

If you want to try something at home then apple cider vinegar is the thing to try. You want to forcethem to a scab to allow the body to heal them.

Use pure, unpasteurized, undiluted acv on small cotton balls and target each boil. Hold it on there with pressure for a few mins a time. Do these a few times a day and you soon force them to scab. Once they do stop with the acv and let the skin heal.
