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keloid scar on nose?


Posted : 11/14/2017 2:28 pm

A huge pimple apeared in my nose, and it didnt heal well.after months there was a red spot in my nose and it result as a white head pimple next I squezed it and it became very inflamed, most of the red has gone but left with my skin really sensitive and with a red the most similar thing i saw on the internet was a keloid after a piercing but mine is from a pimple not a piercing one so I dont know what I can do in this type of situation it is a little bumped thats why i think is a keloid.Is anything that I can do to help or any treatment? 



Posted : 11/15/2017 10:04 am

This isn't a Keloid, most likely it's a cyst, Either way goto a derm and have them look at it. Needs injecting with kenalog diluted or extraction. You can try tripple antibiotic on it first and see, some infection looks like it's trapped in there.

IF it is a Keloid you would need the injection as well.
