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Pigmentation wont go away


Posted : 05/17/2016 8:51 pm

So basically I have had acne for the past 4 years , 2 years ago I broke out super bad cysts covering my entire face I've tried many different diets that only provided temporarily relief I always relapsed. I decided to take accutane because really I didn't care if it destroyed my liver or stunted my growth or any of the negative effects I was that desaperate for clear skin. It did stop the pimples but I'm left with deep scars and the pigmentation never fades from them I've tried lemon juice, retinol, AHA, etc I'm sick of buying so much crap getting my hopes up just to be met with disappointment . My derm is no help at all he just keeps telling me every time I visit him that the pigmentation will fade in 3-6 months it's been 2 fucking years :(. Anybody have any suggestion plzz anything for deep stubborn hyperpigmentation?


Posted : 05/17/2016 10:54 pm



Posted : 05/19/2016 6:24 am



Posted : 05/28/2016 3:20 pm

My derm is equally unhelpful as yours. I have mild PIH on my cheeks and no joke, when I asked about treatments, he said "oh but these will be covered up if you let your hair down. They're really not that bad." Ummm. I have to live with them lol. And for a dermatologist to just tell you to cover up your skin issues rather than heal them.... I was flabbergasted to say the least. But honestly, try to find a second opinion. Not all dermatologists are the same. And be honest with them, tell them how long the problem has lasted and everything you have tried till now to fix it. They might recommend a chemical peel, like mine eventually did after I pushed and prodded him to actually help my scars rather than suggest I cover them up. 

Until you find a second opinion, make sure you are taking the necessary precautions, such as using sunscreen every day! Good luck, I know how you feel. It sucks to deal with acne at all, but to be left with the scars afterwards is the cruelest joke nature plays on us :/
