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Can Red Marks Look Pitted But Not Really Be?


Posted : 09/23/2015 5:29 pm

I had a steroid injection 3 weeks ago for a cyst on my cheek. It went nice and flat and had a small scab. Now the scab has flaked off and there is a dark red Mark and I am certain there is a pit. But I can only see it in certain lights.


Do you think scars can look pitted just because they are darker than the surrounding skin?


Posted : 09/23/2015 9:49 pm

Yes :) I have some shallow scarring that is only seen when the light hits my face in a certain angle. The redness made these shallow scar more noticeable to me. I realized that once the redness went away the 'pits' didn't look so bad. I honestly don't notice it unless I'm really looking for it.


You may still be left with an indentation there, but it won't be that noticeable once the redness flattens and fades with time.


Posted : 09/24/2015 1:20 am

Thank you Sassy.


Unfortunately I don't even like it if people can only see it under certain lights. I don't want it there at all. Unrealistic I know.
