Picked 4 cysts on f...
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Picked 4 cysts on forehead... Left with huge swellings?!


Posted : 07/15/2016 4:25 am

Okay, so I think that I've just done the most stupid thing on earth. I picked 4 (!!!) hard, growing cysts that haven't even been on my forehead for that long. The worst thing is that, I am now left with very red and swollen marks that probably will fade into scars... Or worse, end up being cysts again...   But can I prevent that?! And get rid of the swelling as fast as possible? My parents are out of town and I am alone at home, and two friends will visit me this sunday, and will stay here for a week,.. I don't want to show myself with all this redness and everything! Is there anything I can do to prevent these picked swellings to turn into scars? I know, this is soo stupid! And living in a country that ain't america makes it worse, beacuse you can't get Neosporin/polysporin, and just because I am under 18 means that I can't buy Aspirin alone, either. You can't really buy medications if you're under 18... And no, I don't know anyone that could buy me this. We have Ibuprofen, but would it really help? Are there any natural treatments? Last night, I made a honey-yogurt-vitamin-E-clay - mask that I left on during the whole night, but as it looks, it didnt really help.
Before, I used this thing called Duac,  which is is an antibiotic treatment that is supposed to reduce acne... But no, it didn't help to keep my acne away... You are supposed to throw this thing away after 2 months, and it has been two months but I still have it.  I was thinking about going to a dermatologist (doesn't really exist here, but we have this thing called skin-doctors) but I feel bad about it since my parents aren't home.

I'm going to show you a picture of how my forehead looks right now... It is way more swollen and painful than it looks!

I'll be very thankful for any kind of help!!



Posted : 07/18/2016 7:53 am

Well, now that the weekend has passed how is your forehead? Is the swelling down? I'm sure some redness is still there but I imagine the swelling is all gone.

Scarring sucks big time so be kind to your skin. But then again,it's only the skin on your face,no big deal if it gets scraps and pitsright?
