Cornstarch And Milk...
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Cornstarch And Milk Of Magnesia


Posted : 06/13/2015 2:16 am

hey guys just wanted to share that applying milk of magnesia and cornstarch on your face can significantly control oiliness

1. apply MoM to your face

2. wait MoM to dry

3. add another layer to your T zone

4. wait to dry

5. mix your moisturizer or sunblock with cornstarch

6. apply to face


*dont put too much cornstarch or you'll end up having a white face

**after applying this, small streaks of white residue will form so you can just add moisturizer/sunblock to that or just dust it off with your fingers and you'll be fine



i have REALLY oily skin and this helps with my oiliness for at least 4 hours

so for other people this mattifying efffect might work for 8 hours it just really depends on your oiliness


don't worry about putting cornstarch on your face as a lot of mattifying powders on the market have cornstarch as their main ingredient.




Posted : 06/19/2015 5:49 am

Apparently MoM is very bad for the skin. It's pH levels are way too high.


It works great, though, but apparently it's really bad for the skin.
