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Little lump leftover from nodule?


Posted : 03/08/2024 6:08 pm

Hi everyone! I had this deep, hormonal acne bump pop about 3 weeks ago now. I believe it is a nodule. Not sure of the difference between nodule and cyst but deep under the skin and it never came to a head. Never showed signs of even really having a head.

Over the last 3 weeks its gone down a bit to where from the surface, you cant really see elevation anymore. But when I wash my face, there is definitely a solidified little lump under my skin. And if I stretch out my skin the lump will protrude.

I added pictures, the first one shows when its flat, and the second picture is when I stretch out the skin. You can see the lump thats just kinda stuck right there.

Will this eventually go down?? Will it dissolve into my skin and flatten over time?? Or does it actually have a head that just needs time to come to the surface??

Thank you!!
