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Dianette had made my skin worse!


Posted : 06/23/2016 6:15 am

Hi everyone, 
So a bit of background - I had the contraceptive implant (implanon) for just under 6 years but had this removed in November last year as I couldn't take how it was affecting my skin - painful red lumps around my jaw line and chin. (When I had this removed I was advised by the nurse that I shouldn't have even had a second implant if this was affecting my skin, but's done now.) I had hoped that after getting this removed my skin would clear up. After nearly 6 months implant free, there were no signs of improvement so went to see my GP for help. They prescribed Dianette. I'm nearly finished the second packet and my skin has become 10x worse! Rather than a few red lumps which were easy to conceal, I now have multiple full blown white heads all around my jaw, chin and even popping up on my cheeks! I went back to the GP last week and was prescribed zineryt to use and to persevere with Dianette as it can take up to 6 months to work. 
I cant deal with this!! I recently separated from my partner and now my confidence is at an all time low. 
Someone please tell me you had the same experience with Dianette and there is light at the end of the tunnel! :( 


Posted : 06/23/2016 8:20 pm

That sucks...I dunno, some respond well to specific birth controls and some don't. I think maybe ask your doctor. Many birth controls do take at least 3-5 months to see improvement but not everyone gets worse before getting better.


Posted : 06/27/2016 5:31 am

Thanks for the reply :)
The zineryt does seem to be helping... as well as using face wash, sudocream and tea tree oil! I've decided to fight fire with fire!
I'll persevere for another few months and hope for results. The best thing I can do until then is not to let it take over my life! I'm feeling positive today!  
