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Used Spiro for 4 months, few results


Posted : 05/25/2016 12:33 pm

I know for a fact I have hormonal acne, I only break out around my chin and cheeks with occasional cysts. I was on Yaz for awhile which helped tremendously but it gave me horrible migranes and so I went off of Yaz in November and my CNP put me on 50mg of spironolactone. I couldn't get my prescription refilled for all of January, but I resumed it in February. Last month (April), my CNP bumped me to 100mg and i'm still breaking out on my cheeks and back. I also wash my face twice a day with a clarisonic, a pH balanced cleanser, use .1 strength Retin-a, and moisterize twice a day with oil free lotion . How much longer should I wait to see if spironolactone is working for me? Has anyone had any luck with the Rodan + Fields blemish system? My mom just bought it for me but I'm afraid to use it. Would antibiotics be worth trying for my acne or will it not work since I have hormonal acne? I feel like i'm out of options.


Posted : 05/25/2016 4:21 pm

I heard the new Proactive is a lot better than the original one. They also have a gentle version...if you don't like the results in 60 days ask for the other one.
Ive heard Spiro can sometimes take 6 months nor more to become effective. Sucks!
