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Should I quit birth control?


Posted : 02/23/2016 12:27 am

So I started having minor hormonal acne at 14, the week before my period I would always get 2-3 larger pimples in my T-zone. I'm 20 now and back in September I got the Murad face wash, which gave me cystic acne (which I never had before). This is where it gets complicated. In November I became pregnant (I miscarried at 9 weeks), 3 days after I would've became pregnant I started Zarah birth control and I also quit using Murad. Within a week my acne was huge and surrounding my mouth and forehead, at first I thought it was because I was adjusting from stopping the wash face. When I miscarried in January, I figured it was from the hormones of the pregnancy and miscarriage. But, my acne is still horrible, I'll wake up everyday and there's 5-10 HUGE painful pimples surrounding my mouth, chin, lower cheeks and forehead. I was on birth control my entire pregnancy since I didn't realize I was pregnant until I started the miscarriage process, also, I was normally skipping the placebo's but last month I didn't and I only got 1 larger pimple during placebo week. My mom had major acne on birth control when she was younger and she's telling me to stop taking it. I'm no longer sexually active so going off isn't a problem, but do you all think the birth control is the cause of my acne or from the miscarriage? I'm scared it'll get even worse if I stop the birth control but I can't deal with this anymore, I cry every day from embarrassment. Thank you!


Posted : 02/24/2016 1:57 am

My dear, I am really sorry about your miscarriage. It's hard to tell exactly whether your acne is a result from the BC pills or the miscarriage, but I think both contributed to disrupting your hormonal balance and worsening your acne problem. From my experience, my skin was fine when I was on BC pills until I skipped the placebo ones (resulted in 2 weeks of non stop spotting) and I started developing really big, painful cystic acne. At that time I too thought that the birth control was what caused the cystic acne so I stopped taking the pills in a haste, and that's when my skin went out of control - extremely oily and discolored. Now I'm back on BC pills but I have chosen a different brand (Yaz).

Everybody reacts to different brands of BC pills differently so I think you should not let your mother's bad experience with birth control worry you too much. There're also a lot of people who have had success keeping their acne at bay on BC pills too. Since I am no expert, I can't really tell you to continue/discontinue taking BC pills. But usually going off birth control does cause acne to worsen more or less, since your body will have to adjust itself after being rid of the artificial hormones. After all, no matter what you decide, you should really go to a doctor/dermatologist to help you find the best birth control/medication for your acne or to help you go off of it slowly.

Last of all, I just want you to know that you are definitely not alone. I have had the same struggle so I know the fear/insecurity that the acne can bring you. It took me a long time (almost 2 months) to make the decision to go back on BC pills and I spent so much time doing research. I think the important thing is to be aware of the choices we make and understanding the risks.  Just like I don't know whether the brand of birth control that I'm taking now will improve/worsen my acne either, but I'm willing to take the risks/take the consequences. For me it's really just a leap of faith (although I have done my share of research too). Take time to think about your options and don't rush into any conclusions!! Some days are darker than others, but better days are ahead. Don't lose hope :) best of luck!


Posted : 10/31/2016 1:20 pm

I'm so sorry to hear that... I hope everything will be fine!
Yes, I think that birth control pills could be a reason. I also recommend you to stop taking them. Good luck!
