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My Spiro Log


Posted : 04/01/2014 6:27 pm

Day 26

Took my spiro late again today and felt kind of nauseous. Probably because I've been taking it at wacky times so I need to get back on track.Skin looking good today, one bump is completely gone and the other one was a small clogged pore. Had another on my cheek that came out as did the clogged pore. Seeing another clogged pore coming to the surface but thats probably the worst thing on my face. Really happy and thankful!!


Posted : 04/05/2014 12:01 am

Day 27-Day 29

Skin's been doing well, trying to find a tinted moisturizer/BB Cream to cover my scars. Any recommendations please let me know. Noticing two small pimples coming to the surface on my forehead, two small clogged pores on my left cheek, and these two clogged pores on my right cheek won't seem to go away. Let's hope tomorrow brings me some luck. Everything's been going great, I really hope theres no flare up.


Posted : 04/05/2014 3:21 am

Try Garnier BB cream!! I have tried several and it is the best one I've tried by far without the ginormous price tag. It has never caused a breakout for me but it does cause a little bit of shine, however with your dryness this may not be an issue. Make sure to use regular, do not get oil free my friend! It dried the heck out of my skin and the color does not blend nearly as well in my experience. Good luck with your Spiro! I'm thinking of trying before I take the Accutane plunge. I'll keep checking on your progress. cheer.gif

Day 27-Day 29

Skin's been doing well, trying to find a tinted moisturizer/BB Cream to cover my scars. Any recommendations please let me know. Noticing two small pimples coming to the surface on my forehead, two small clogged pores on my left cheek, and these two clogged pores on my right cheek won't seem to go away. Let's hope tomorrow brings me some luck. Everything's been going great, I really hope theres no flare up.


Posted : 04/05/2014 11:06 pm


Thanks girl! Yeah, I found one at Sephora with great coverage but it's a little out of my price range so I will def check out Garnier! =)


Try Garnier BB cream!! I have tried several and it is the best one I've tried by far without the ginormous price tag. It has never caused a breakout for me but it does cause a little bit of shine, however with your dryness this may not be an issue. Make sure to use regular, do not get oil free my friend! It dried the heck out of my skin and the color does not blend nearly as well in my experience. Good luck with your Spiro! I'm thinking of trying before I take the Accutane plunge. I'll keep checking on your progress. cheer.gif

Day 27-Day 29

Skin's been doing well, trying to find a tinted moisturizer/BB Cream to cover my scars. Any recommendations please let me know. Noticing two small pimples coming to the surface on my forehead, two small clogged pores on my left cheek, and these two clogged pores on my right cheek won't seem to go away. Let's hope tomorrow brings me some luck. Everything's been going great, I really hope theres no flare up.


Posted : 04/06/2014 5:26 pm

Day 31

The dryness is slowly creeping back, I think its from the cold air and wind. Blobbed Cetaphil Moisturizer on my face so hopefully that'll do the trick. Most of the small bumps/clogged pores from last night are gone and only a few remain. Hopefully most will be gone by tomorrow or Tuesday. Wish these scars would fade though, mehhhh!

Just trying to stay positive! =)


Posted : 04/07/2014 3:23 pm

Day 32

Everything was going swimmingly until today; I think I jinxed myself. Cyst like creature popped up on my right cheek and a couple of more small bumps popped up on my forehead. I applied Cetaphil Moisturizer today but my skin looks super oily for some reason. Don't know if I'll be able to go to my dermatologist this week to get the bigger bump injected but if it doesn't go away soon I might just find another dermatologist to inject it. Scars are still pretty noticeable and hoping they fade soon.

Taking each day one day at a time. Soon it will get better!


Posted : 04/08/2014 2:02 pm

Day 33

All of the blackheads/clogged pores came out yesterday and the monster cyst thing shrunk! I applied some ice to it a couple of times throughout the day and even tried putting a peppermint tea bag over it because according to old wive's tales it works and I think it actually did decrease the size and redness. It's still there but its a lot more hollow and less noticeable. Maybe I'll try applying it to my face again tonight and see what happens, its natural so it can't really hurt. Although it does look kind of stupid applying a hot tea bag to your face. I feel like my skin on my upper left cheek is burning. I looked at it and there doesn't seem to be a chemical burn so I'm assuming its from all the dryness from the Retin-A. Going to hold off on it tonight as much as I'm dying to put it on to get rid of the cyst for good. Just can't wait for the days when I don't have to worry about this stuff anymore!

Seeing improvement and that's what really matters.


Posted : 04/13/2014 1:11 am

Day 34-38

6 week mark of Spiro and Retin-A and really happy. The pimple on my cheek wasn't that big and eventually shrunk. Everything else is looking great and the hyper pigmentation is really starting to fade. Don't want to jinx anything so I'll just leave it at that.

Feeling really happy and positive right now. Hopefully you're all seeing clearer days.


Posted : 04/14/2014 11:44 pm

Hey hedgehogcatcher,

Welcome to the Spiro Club and good luck! Similarly to Accutane, this drug takes a bit to kick in so really hang in there. Please keep me updated on your progress or send me the link to your log if you have one. Sending you positive vibes! =)

I started spiro today 25mg for 2 weeks then 50mg for 2-3 months before follow up.

I have a mirena IUD. I had acne before but that made it worse. It's definitely all hormonal - I'm diligent about the regimen + retin A + topical antibiotic on my back the only thing that has cleared (90%!) is my T-zone, (how backwards is that???) and I have bouts of angry red bumps and cysts everywhere else every month or so. My back is a mess, and I'm so self conscious about my chest. Since I didn't want to give up on the IUD straight away- I love it other than the acne and occasional cramping, and it doesn't interfere with my meds like the pill does- my doc decided to give anti-androgens a shot... it seems like a reasonable option, I'm glad she brought it up and seemed confident about it.

I'm cautiously hopeful...


Posted : 04/15/2014 8:26 pm

Thanks! My log is here

I'm hopeful!

Hey hedgehogcatcher,

Welcome to the Spiro Club and good luck! Similarly to Accutane, this drug takes a bit to kick in so really hang in there. Please keep me updated on your progress or send me the link to your log if you have one. Sending you positive vibes! =)


Posted : 04/19/2014 8:24 pm

Day 44

At least, I think it's Day 44, haha. Skin's looking good! Beyond thankful right now that I'm seeing results. Saw an endocrinologist couple days ago and she officially diagnosed me with PCOS. I took a blood test anyway to see if any of my hormones were wonky and to just double check that these symptoms weren't being caused by something else but she's positive its PCOS. I'm just really happy to know the source of the problem after all of these years of suffering and getting wishy washy answers from doctors.

Hope everyone's having a great holiday weekend and is seeing clearer days!


Posted : 04/22/2014 11:51 am


My skin was a nightmare prior to Spiro and Retin A 0.025% and just after 6 weeks everything seems great. I'm not 100% clear but the worst thing on my face right now is this mini pimple on the top right side of my nose just below my eyebrow. Scars are fading and if I do get a bump its usually very small and goes away quickly, I'm really really happy.

I know theres still some time to go and I really don't want to jinx anything. I want to just express my gratitude to these products as lame as it may sound and the universe for making me happy again. This is how I felt during the final months of Accutane and the months after and it feels so good to not be running into department stores to judge whether your face was okay enough for you to continue to walk around and just not make eye contact or retreat back to your apartment and hide from everyone. Everyone's noticing a difference not just in my face but in my step. I never wear color for I always feared it would bring more attention to my face and the redness and just stick to wearing black but I've been changing up my wardrobe and everyones noticing that I'm more positive and smiley and bubbly. I've applied to a couple of jobs recently and I've gotten call backs, and that hasn't happened a lot before so my confidence is even seeping through in interviews.

This is an ongoing battle and I know my journey to clear skin isn't completely over, but its nice to know that the long winding endless path is a lot shorter.

Stay positive everyone and we'll all get out of this looking hot! ;)


Posted : 04/22/2014 7:56 pm

I just hit the 6 month mark today!!! And I can honestly say my skin is a whole lot better but I had many ups and downs. I am totally clear as of today but not so sure if that will be the case when that time of the month rolls around. My gyno also changed my bc to Orto-Tri Cyclen and from what I read its good for acne so im hopeful :)

You seem to be doing great in such a short time and that's awesome!!!! I love reading Spiro success stories :)


Posted : 04/24/2014 10:02 pm

Thanks Valerie44! Happy to hear that you're doing well on Spiro too! Let's keep each other posted, do you have a log?


Mini breakout on my right cheek. Nothing horrible but still annoying nonetheless. They all had a head so I extracted them. Hopefully I didn't press too hard and cause it to become a scrape. I have a super important interview tomorrow and the last thing I need to worry about is my face. Worse comes to worse I'll try to find a derm in my area tomorrow who can inject/extract anything before it.

Just keeping positive!
