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Progesterone Discussion Continuation


Posted : 10/08/2012 10:28 pm

To prevent my spiro thread from turning into a progesterone discussion, I have continued the discussion here.



Thanks for replying Green Gables!


Yeah, I suppose I should get the hormone test before I go for anything hormone-balancing (also as posted above mentioned, that it might make things worse).


(Sorry to take this thread off topic slightly but..)

Looking at progesterone cremes, other than the 2 recommended, what do you think of the ones offered at Vitacost? I was just considering Vitacost since they have good prices, coupons every so often and their shipping to Canada isn't outrageous like many sites.


Like for example Source Naturals which seems well-reviewed (mostly by menopausal women though) and has 500 g per ounce as an article I read that should be at minimum. Though it appears that comes from soy vs wild yams. Is wild yams that much better? And is getting "bio-identical" required? I was reading through the product reviews and there was mention of acne clearing up. Plus, side note, I also get some horribly headaches around my cycle and maybe moodsings - according to other people - so maybe I should just try this whole progesterone creme even without the test.



And I assume when you use this progesterone creme, do you use it on a schedule as it relates to the first day of your menstural cycle? On some of these products it says: Menstruating Women: Begin 12 days after the first day of your menstrual flow. Continue through the 26th day.

