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Any women tried Spironolactone?


Posted : 05/30/2011 2:46 pm

I have been reading some of the posts (I can't read all of them) and wanted to know if anyone could answer a question for me.


I have always had some sort of acne problem but in the last year or so I have been under a lot of stress. I tried using the topical treatments that have worked for me in the past, but nothing seemed to work for me this time. I went to my OB/GYN for my check up and she saw my acne problem and told me to take Spironolactone 50mg.


I started taking it about 3 months ago. I have read that some people did not see results right away. Within the first 4 to 6 weeks I saw a big improvement along my jawline where most of my acne was. The second month I thought that I had accidentally taken 2 pills in one day and the next day I started spotting. I looked at the side effects and decided to stop taking it until the spotting was gone. It was very light and lasted about 3 days. My acne came back for a few days but started to get better when I started taking it again. I got my period at the time that I was supposed to so I didn't think much of it. Now in the 3rd month I have been making sure that I only take one pill a day. Two weeks after my period I started spotting again. I decided to keep taking my pills because I didn't want the acne to come back. Now it seems that I got my period again. On this message board I have read that after the 3rd of 4th month that the spotting gets better, but I have also read that when someone went to 50mg every other day that it got better. I'm thinking because it worked more quickly for me that now I can take one every other day just to maintain it.


So my question is has anyone been taking it every other day and not had a problem with spotting or their periods?


Hi Mom from Wisconsin!

I kind of did the same thing I jumped to the most earliest post and I saw your post. I've been on Spiranolactone for about nine months pretty consistently. I've had severe acne since jr.high and I've tried everything from OC stuff to prescription antibiotics. I'm 30 this year and I can honestly say that spiranolactone has been my miracle pill. I started with 25mg in a regiment then increased to 100mg (4, 25mg a day).


But on your question with the spotting, I haven't had a normal period since January and I've been skipping and spotting the last few months.


I ran out of my prescription and was off a week. I went to my dermatologist. She said that's normal and she gave me a prescription of 100mg (one pill a day).


But the week I was off, i broke out so bad:( I couldn't wait to get back on my "miracle" pill.


I'm looking into the spiranotlactone cream. I'm wondering if it will have the same results:)


hope that helps in anyway:)





Posted : 05/30/2011 2:51 pm

Yes, I have used Spironolactone (Aldactone) for about five years now.


I had several courses of Accutane, which was the only drug that cleared up my SEVERE acne.


After that, I continued to be extremely oily, and my Dr. recommended Aldactone.


While my complexion was clear prior to Aldactone, this prescription made it even clearer. I have not had any side effects from taking Aldactone, except dryness which is what I wanted. And it is not severe dryness, I think it's how most "normal" people are.


I really like what Aldactone has done for me. I feel "cleaner" all day long. I would recommend it.




Hi t75kab1!

I read your post and saw that you've been on spiranolactone for five years. I've been on it for 9 months now I'm on 100mg a day. I love it, it's been the only thing that works for me.


Did your dr. mention how long you can stay on it? I'd love to be on it forever but I'm worried when I decide to have a family and get pregnant I'll break out since I'll have to get off it. I'm looking for an alternative, maybe the cream...


Posted : 07/05/2011 12:53 pm

I was always complimented on my skin until two years ago. I had a smooth, clear complexion with very few, fine pores. As a teen, I had an occasional minor breakout on my forehead. I'm 30 and started getting really bad breakouts on my neck, jawline, cheeks and temples. I also have too many whiteheads to count in the same areas.


I was diagnosed with PCOS as I have a number of symptoms other than acne (excess facial hair, obesity, insulin resistance). I was put on spiro 25mg 2x a day. I have been taking it for two week. I am currently not taking any other medications for acne or PCOS. I do have a Mirena IUD for birth control.


I've taken some pictures and will update with my progress after my follow up appointment. I have not had an initial breakout nor have I seen any improvement in my acne. I have noticed that my face is less oily and is even dry in some places.


Posted : 07/07/2011 5:06 pm

I started Spiro.... It's worked almost immediately and most of all my acne cleared up! I also have no more pimples coming... Its amazing. I just have to take care of all these terrible scars.... I have to say though that being on spiro is tough because I get so emotional..... Really emotional to the point where I lock myself in my room. I think you have to be psychologically strong to use this. Other than that, no bad side effects


Posted : 07/09/2011 6:44 pm

What dose is everyone on? Ive been on 50mg for 4 weeks but no noticeable improvement yet. Is it too soon to go back & ask for a higher dose? he originally told me to wait 8 weeks.


Posted : 07/10/2011 7:27 am

i'm on 100mg for almost a year and it so has not been my miracle drug..I often wonder why and what that says about its lack of helpfulness for my skin. Ive had so much bloodwork and no one can determine why I get these clogged pores and red bumps. My testosterone has always been on the low side but my estrogen is low as well. Im 44 and just started hormone replacement in the form of a estrogen and progesterone cream. The dose is very low and I've only been on it for two months. I cant say if it helps or hurts..There is never ANY type of change for my skin positively only negatively. In the last two weeks more lumps or red welts as I like to call them keep popping up on a daily basis. Does anyone still get these on spiro? They are not cystic as they disappear in a day or so. They are usually on my lower jaw practically under my neck or on the sides of my chin just below the corners of my mouth. They almost look like red mosquito bites.They are slightly swollen and very red. The come out of no where meaning they dont show up small and blossom into something, they just literally show up within my daily day. This morining I did wake with one there. Ive had these before the cream but not too badly before I started spiro back in march of 2010..In fact the reason I went on spiro was not because of these but more for oil production and clogged pores..I rarely got breakouts in the form of pimples...Im so at a loss as it has to be hormonal and Im doing everything I can possibly thing of to treat these hormone fluctuations..any suggestions would be appreciated.


Posted : 08/10/2011 3:24 pm



I wanted to write and let everyone know my experience with sprionolactone. I have been struggling with acne all over my face and especially around my jaw line. I have tried EVERYTHING and i've even switched dermatologists, etc. Spironolactone was my last resort before I tried Accutane, which I really didn't want to do. I started off with one 25 mg pill per day for a week, the next week 2, the third week 3 and now the forth week 4 (100mg). After just four weeks I have already seen dramatic improvement. My cheeks and forehead are almost totally clear, the red spots that aren't raised are the only thing left over...since im so pale! My jaw still has bumps, but there is so much improvement everywhere else! The drug has manageable side effects, be prepared to drink A TON of water and add a moisturizer to your beauty regimen. I am hypoglycemic so I am usually pretty dizzy and the spiro definitely makes this worse, but I'm fine as long as I stay hydrated. I will keep everyone updated! Oh and I am also taking birth control!


Posted : 08/13/2011 10:05 pm

I was on spironolactone for a couple months. I liked how it had the minty flavor! However, even though I took it religiously, it eventually quit working. I can't remember when, somewhere between 3-5 months. I also don't recommend it for women who have low blood pressure. I have low blood pressure (it runs in my family) and when I was on spironolactone, I was FREEZING! All the time! Once I got off it, I no longer felt like a human popsicle.


Posted : 08/17/2011 1:32 pm

What dose is everyone on? Ive been on 50mg for 4 weeks but no noticeable improvement yet. Is it too soon to go back & ask for a higher dose? he originally told me to wait 8 weeks.


My15 yr old daughter's doctor told her to wait for 2 months. It took about 2 months for her skin to improve. She is on 10 mg once a day, BUT, she has been nauseous, feeling faint, and she has been having her period every other week. So, now she needs to stop. Good luck and read the side effects carefully and monitor any symptoms like the ones I mentioned. It is a blood pressure medication, so keep that in mind.



Posted : 08/26/2011 2:49 pm

Hi Everyone,


I wanted to post my experiences on spiro. Since entering my 30s, I have experienced light to moderate acne with tons of whiteheads. In the last year, I was starting to get more and more of those nasty red pimples and tried EVERYTHING including mino, retin-a, azelaic acid, and other topicals. I started spiro at the end of November, and I was at 100mg/day back then. I had zero improvement for months. In fact, I would say that February was the absolute worst. Slowly, my face started to clear up. By April it was looking considerably better, but definitely not perfect. I moved up to 150 mg/day in May or June (can't remember), and things kept getting better. I had started to get one or two back zits at a time, and now I don't seem to be getting them. Strangely, I just got my first real red zit (had to pop it, yuck!!) in many months. It reminded me of how frustrating it is to have significant acne and how much better things have gotten. I had also been experiencing issues with hairloss, and the spiro seems to have helped with that. My skin is less oily (not that it was terribly oily to begin with).


There have been some side effects. For example, I have struggled with UTIs (probably due to the diuretic effect) and really need to drink a lot of water to keep those at bay. My menstrual cycle is also weird---a little spotting and some freakishly light periods. My breasts can get swollen and tender on this pill. I should say that my cycle was very regular prior to spiro. I am NOT on the pill (though I was for years).


Today I still get some whiteheads and a few smaller zits, but things are so much better. Aside from this most recent pimple, I am less afraid of being seen in bright light, etc... I switched from the generic to aldactone, and there may be a difference there...


Good luck to everyone, and thanks for all of your advice.


Posted : 08/26/2011 8:59 pm

Okay, so I am on Spiro currently. I've been taking it since April,then it messed up with my period so I had to stop it. In July I started taking Spiro again ( 50 mg) I got my period ( i guess my body was adjusting to new medication).

I've read lots of reviews about spiro. 85% of women got results on their third month on spiro. For some women it might take 6 months to see the real results, since everybody is different. I also read about the side effects, but they are not as scary as BCP's.

Results: Well, there are some improvements on my cheeks ( most effected area), but I cannot say that I am clear. I still get breakouts right before my period, or mid cycle pimples. But my skin is defintely better than before.

I also take Doxy with Spiro. I dont use facial makeup and topical BP.


Posted : 09/07/2011 10:36 pm

I've tried spirolactone 2x-- neither time did I experience any great improvement in my acne, although the second trial made my back somewhat clearer. I did experience bloating, breakthrough bleeding, and tender/painful breasts.

BTW, I am 31, and have always had "issues" with any birth control pills such as breakthrough bleeding, acne, weight gain (even on the so-called acne curing BCPs). I guess my body doesn't take kindly to any hormone-altering medication!

On the upside, it is a cheap and easy medication to take. I wish it worked for me.


Posted : 09/07/2011 11:19 pm

Hello! I am currently taking 200MG of spiro 1x daily. Ive been on it for 3 mo now and i saw somewhat of a difference. Havent had many new break outs maybe 1 or 2. Unfortunetly I have a bunch of hyperpigmentation marks from previous acne. I do still have a few cysts that I tried to pop that turned red! GRR! Does anyone think facials can do more bad than good for cystic acne? PLZ let me know your thoughts :)


Posted : 09/08/2011 9:02 am

went on spiro for clogged pores and it never helped...trying to wean off from 100mg a day and i'm down to 50 now. It also made me get weird hive like welts and bumps along jawline and sides of face. Strange because it sounds like spiro is suppose to help that kind of acne. I'd love to hear more stories of spiro not working. I also never had a raised testosterone level either, just low estrogen so maybe thats why


Posted : 09/10/2011 7:06 am

Hey Guys

So I was put on 100mg of Aldactone about 8 weeks ago and my skin has only gotten worse. Right away, it made my skin oilier. It has been two months and I am breaking out worse than before I started Aldactone. I am confused bc I have a hormone imbalance so i don't understand how this could be making my skin worse. Has anybody experienced anything similar? I'm trying to decide if I should stay on it and hope that it starts working or stop it now since it doesnt seem to work for me. Thanks for your advice! :)



Posted : 09/12/2011 3:07 pm

I'm 44 and started on spiro in March of 2010 and it has never worked for me. Im currently trying to wean off from 100mg. Im down to 50mg a day. In fact it gave me bumps and hive like welts that I never had before. I iniitally went on it because I had a ton of clogged pores in my chin area that were not responding to treatment. All along my hormone and androgen levels were somewhat normal. My estrogen was low and so was my testosterone so it didnt really help me. I just spoke with my ob/gyn the other day and she said this is probably why. Once I started weaning down, my bumps that I was experiencing started to die down. I've often wondered if it dehydrated me and in turn my skin started to produce more oil. Thru this whole journey I thought these bumps were attributed to food and had a ton of tests and nothing came back positive. I've now come to the conclusion it had to be the spiro because i could never found a connection with food in a year and half. I'm going to see my derm on 9/26 who has already agreed to low dose accutane. Im nervous but my quality of life has so diminished in the last year that I barely function.


Posted : 09/22/2011 10:46 am

Hi Guys!

I was just doing some research on spironolactone when i saw this board and wanted to read what everyone had to say. i will hopefully be starting tomorrow or sometime within the next week and maybe i will finally see a difference! i don't know if anyone has tried accutane but that is the only that has even worked for me..and I'm not allowed to use it again :/ so my dermatologist thinks this might be the solution since is affects the actual hormones responsible for causing acne. i wish you all of luck and hopefully i will have the same, positive results!



Posted : 09/27/2011 10:56 pm

If ya'll want, you can go to my profile and see the blog thing that I've been keeping. I finally just posted a picture of my face. It might make you feel encouraged.


Posted : 10/02/2011 8:59 pm

My hopes are also on Spiro. I've been taking it since July 20th. I've seen some improvements so far. I am not clear yet, but I hope that I will see better results after couple of months.

I drink plenty of water, try to avoid foods those rich of potassium. I've been taking Doxy with Spiro. With oral treatment I also do topicals:BP,wash my face 3 times a day,

Retin-A, no facial makeup( only mascara).


Posted : 10/31/2011 5:39 pm

I'm on my 3rd month, everything was good and I got almost completely clear, but 2 days ago I got mid cycle breakouts ( 2 little cysts), and I'm kinda terrified about premenstrual breakouts. eusa_pray.gif I thought I will get better and better, cuz last month I had no breakouts at all. I don't know what changed this month, the only thing that has changed is my dose ( my derm upped it to 75 mg). I was on 50 mg before and it helped a lot.

Has anyone experienced breakouts in the middle of the treatment and after being clear for a month.?And could upping the dosage affect hormones somehow( or casue breakouts)? eusa_wall.gif

This is really frustrating, getting pimples as I started taking 75 mg and in the middle of the treatment. I had hopes for clear skin, but these cysts are just heartbreaking. It's like a vicious cycle.shock.gif I hadn't experienced IB either, so I don't know what's going on. Pls leave any response!


Posted : 11/03/2011 11:55 am

I'v been on spiro for about 10 1/2 months. I've had EXCELLENT!!!!! It's taken 10 months, but I'm glad I've keep having faith. All I can say to others who are starting spiro is patience, patience, patience, patience.


Posted : 11/03/2011 12:40 pm

I'v been on spiro for about 10 1/2 months. I've had EXCELLENT!!!!! It's taken 10 months, but I'm glad I've keep having faith. All I can say to others who are starting spiro is patience, patience, patience, patience.


are you totally clear now? like you don't need to wear makeup anymore to cover up any bumps/spots?


Posted : 11/03/2011 2:02 pm

Growing up I never used make up because it felt that would make my acne worse. I've had moderate acne that would come and go, but very persistant. Anyways about a year ago, I broke out like never before. I was getting small cysts under my chin/jawline. It was so bad I turned to makeup. I basically spot treated. Once I saw the dermatogist and put me on spiro, once I saw the acne clearing up, I stopped using make once again. I am currently clear. Although i do break out a little before, during, and a little after my period. But it's nothing. Pin sized pimples, which honestly heal within a day. I have a blog in case ur interested in seeing my progress


Posted : 11/16/2011 4:18 pm

Hey all! My derm just prescribed me Spironolactone and I've been using it for about 5 days now, at 50mg morning and night. I don't really seem to be having side effects, but I do notice my skin is dryer. The dryness I believe could be from Epiduo which I started taking at the same time. I am super worried that I will have a terrible initial breakout like some of you guys. My skin is very clear right now, hardly any new pimples on my face, it's just really dry and I'm not allowed to use moisturizer. Do you think I should keep taking it even though I'm very hesitant?


Posted : 11/18/2011 7:26 am

I have PCOS and my doctor put me on this drug to stop the excess hair growth, but it made the hair growth worse and I grew hair in places I hadn't had any before! This drug did nothing to stop the hair growth that I had.
