Hello everybody just wanted to share my experiences with lavender oil and chamomile oil and what fantastic benefits theyv done for me and my acne.
they cleared my skin in less than a month. I had severe acne from being aged 17 to 27.
It really got me down as I imagine it has for many of u on here.
i know not all cases are the same but I will share with you what I read in the book where I found this information.
What you need to do first is buy lavender oil or chamomile oil. Here in the uk its five pounds from the health store. Next u need some cotton wool balls. Now to the nitty gritty of the process of applying this method.
1Do not wash your face before hand. Just rinse your face with warm water and pat dry and allow to dry.
2 apply one to two drops of your desired oil to a cotton wool ball
3 gently wipe all of the affected areas that are affected by acne and spots
4thats it. U should do this morning and night until u reach your desired level of skin perfection
5 one bit of vital information. only use one oil for a maximum of two weeks. This is because if u use one oil too much ur skin can become immune to it and it wont work. U dont want that do u. What I did was alternate lavender and chamomile oil each week. Thankyou for your time much love to acne sufferers and the like from the uk x
Lavender and chamomile are two of the few essential oils u can use undiluted on the skin as adults
Lavender is anti bacterial as for chamomile im not sure but they both worked fantastically on my face so im sharing this information to benefit other people
You dont need water or carrier oils
Just to let you all know the book I found all this in is called the very essence a guide to aromatherapy by lisa burke and philip chambers. Ive looked and you can still buy it on amazon. In the book it does say use both of the oils neat and not diluted and trust me it does work
I've been battling adult acne for a long time, but when I went off the pill ended up with hormonal acne too. I tried Lavender, but didn't see great results. After searching for some different oil combinations I finally found something that worked. It's Lavender, Tea tree, Geranium, Frankincense, and Lemongrass mixed with castor oil. I started to see results in less than a week, and now my skin looks great.I used it twice a day and put it all over my face and spot treat on my back.