

Posted : 02/06/2016 6:14 am

my parents don't understand and think I care too much about my acne.
I'm fourteen years old and I'm not even joking, the only one in my whole grade who has moderate acne, even mild acne and all my friends have perfect clear skin and fret over the one or two they get throughout the whole year.
I find it hard to ask for creams or medication for my pimples because I don't have money to buy it myself and my parents think I care too much.
sometimes I have really big, deep ones that are extreamly painful and really diminishes my self confidence. Does anyone have any suggestions one home remedies or easy fixes I can do at home?
I've never done anything like this before so any advice would be great ! Thank you!!
:)) -charliebrown


Posted : 02/10/2016 9:35 pm

Hi Charliebrown... sorry to hear your parents don't seem very supportive of your acne trouble. It would be great if you could give some topical medications a go. If you browse through the natural treatments forum you might find some home remedies that you have ingredients for at home. I wonder if you could get one of your parents to have a browse on the forums with you sometime...maybe if theysaw how many people havepainful stories they might begin to understand and be more supportive.


Posted : 02/19/2016 12:09 pm

Hi Charlie Brown sorry to hear about your current situation. There are loads of home remedies you could try which may help improve your skin. Here are some cheap things you could try
-take a zinc supplement daily (this helps prevent acne and aids in the faster healing of spots. It's pretty cheap too)
- egg white mask (break an egg seperate the yolk and give the egg white a whisk. Dab it on your face using a cotton pad and let dry. Then rinse with warm water)
-honey mask/ spot treatment (make sure it is raw honey. It is a natural antibacterial and will moisturise your skin)
-products containing tea tree oil will help and you can get relatively cheap.
-baking soda mask. (Mix baking soda with water to form a paste and apply to affected areas. It will dry out your spots and when you wash off will exfoliate your skin)
-coconut oil is good as it is antibacterial and moisturising (use raw Virgin type)
- aloe Vera gel to spot treat. Or use as a moisturiser
- apple cider vinegar. Use it as a toner (it will help balance your skin. Use 1 part vinegar to 2 parts water. It stinks!! But may help)
- a cheap cleanser that is good for acne is African black soap. (Dudu osun. And it's very cheap)
hope this helped.


Posted : 02/19/2016 5:11 pm

Thank you both do much for the advice @Amyr33dand @Jazzguy

Sorry I didn't respond sooner, I had thought my little post had been lost and forgotten in all the other more serious post, so thank you for paying attention to my little cry of help :))
Also it is me, I just forgot my password after not going on the site very often. (I've got a horrible memory )

I will definitely try those home recipes and hopefully they will help!! Thank you!!
ive been able to convince my parents to taking me to a derm appt, (with help from my older sister how had to be put on accutane) and will be going in only four days. I will definitely try these though, and keep them in mind.


Posted : 02/19/2016 5:42 pm

I know accutane seems like the obvious answer but it has some horrible side effects. It's kind of a last resort. I would try other things first before that. I had a course of it and it was horrible. I broke out with massive cysts all over my face the first 3 months I was on it which left scars. It also makes you feel pretty depressed. It might be different for you. I hope you get sorted and keep us updated!


Posted : 02/21/2016 6:02 pm

Hey Charliebrown2, that's great that you've made some positive progress and your family is supporting you. Good luck with whatever options you try and your Derm appointment. As Amyr33d says, Accutane is really the last option in tackling acne so I would expect the Derm would recommend trying some topicals and antibiotics before resorting to that. You are still quite young so be prepared to give other treatments a go for a year. Keep smiling and enjoy the beach and your dogs! And give your parents a big hug!!


Posted : 02/22/2016 12:30 am

Thank you both so much, @Jazzguyand @Amyr33dfor your advice. I definitely will see what the dermatoligist reckons, but I'm not all too keen on accutane, cause of the possible side affects but I know that my sisters and brothers acne went really fast and without any side effect problems other than dry lips, and dry skin. And thanks jazz guy, I will because recently they have been really nice especially my dad who now feels rally bad because he used to tease me about it because he didn't think it bothered me so much. And I recently got a new dog which is actually the CUTEST THING EVER so yeah. But thanks :))

Jazzguy liked

Posted : 02/25/2016 2:01 am

derm appt today.
went well...I guess?
put me on accutane, because considering my older siblings conditions and because (found out today) that I've got some mild ice pick scarring happening on my forehead. I was pretty sad about finding that, but hopefully they will fade as I get older.
Apparently depression and suicidle 'links' don't actually have any evidence to say they are linked, but because so many people take accutane things like that are usually just coincidence. Only on 10mg to start until 3 weeks and so on, highest I'll probably go is 30 mg.


Posted : 02/25/2016 6:14 pm

I'm pleased you're getting sorted. The accutane will definitely clear up your acne. Hopefully you won't have any nasty side effects. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Good luck.


Posted : 02/25/2016 8:53 pm

Yes, best of luck and keep talking to your parents about how you're doing. The worst side effect I had on Accutane was some blood noses which was pretty inconvenient but manageable. I was prone to blood noses as a kid so must have had some thin membranes in there to start with.

Kahla10 liked

Posted : 02/25/2016 9:13 pm

19 hours ago, Charliebrown2 said:

derm appt today.
went well...I guess?
put me on accutane, because considering my older siblings conditions and because (found out today) that I've got some mild ice pick scarring happening on my forehead. I was pretty sad about finding that, but hopefully they will fade as I get older. 
Apparently depression and suicidle 'links' don't actually have any evidence to say they are linked, but because so many people take accutane things like that are usually just coincidence. Only on 10mg to start until 3 weeks and so on, highest I'll probably go is 30 mg. 

I just saw this thread and just wanted to say that at age 14, you sound more reasonable and well-informed than a really big percentage of adults going on this drug. You will do just fine. I'm so glad to hear that you are now getting the support you need from your family as well. And I'm so jealous you got a dog! (You know if you wanted to post some cute dog pictures, I would def be ok with that )

Jazzguy liked

Posted : 02/26/2016 12:05 am


Yeah I'm sure I'll be fine, thanks :)@WittySock and @Jazzguy 
Haha yeah, he's the cutest (though very naughty at the moment...)

Jazzguy liked

Posted : 02/26/2016 7:25 pm

Squeee! Ohmygosh so cute!!
