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(Pic) Freaking Out - Milia Extraction Swelling, Redness, Rash, Scab


Posted : 09/23/2015 10:06 am

About 2 hours ago, I went to the dermatologist. She told me my cysts were on their way out (after a month), but she could inject one if I wanted. However, there was a good chance of atrophy. I declined. I hope I don't regret that. One is really red on my chin (which she said was flat) and the other is really red below the corner of my mouth (which is still raised and has a visible yellow center if I press my tongue against it). But she said continued antibiotics would do the trick within the week. I hope she's right. That active one has already come back once...


Now for the real problem. I'm flipping out. I had a small, inflamed milium in my smile line. I knew that I would take matters into my own hands if I didn't let her extract it for me. So I let her extract it. She pushed and prodded and dug into the skin for several minutes straight. She then announced that she got "most" of the oil plug out, put on a Band-Aid, and sent me on my way.


I am very swollen on that spot. I am very scabbed on that spot, but it's not a raised scab. It's a skin damage scab that will scar and cause permanent hyperpigmentation. I am very red about 3 or 4 inches surrounding the area, as if she used something on my skin that caused an allergic reaction. It also itches. I told her how sensitive my skin is, but she kept digging at it. I called the office but could only reach a medical assistant, who suggested hydrocortisone and Vaseline. I have smothered that patch with Biafine, and I have hydrocortisone on the actual spot.


Please, please, please help. I am in panic mode and don't foresee healing or good skin ever again. My skin is THAT sensitive and fair. I won't be able to leave home for a week or more. I already have scars and red marks to cover, and now I have a nightmare otherwise. Suggestions? Support? Anything?



Posted : 09/23/2015 12:13 pm

Can anyone help me?


I know I can't use Retin-A tonight, or it'll make this area worse.


Should I use Biafine? Hydrocortisone? Polysporin? The dermatologist recommended Vaseline, but that clogs my pores. I need the swelling and redness gone, and I need the scab to go away. I need it to heal flat. I don't wear full makeup ever.


How do I prevent other breakouts in the meantime? I'm sure my stress/crying will create more.


How long should I stay on Minocycline (200 milligrams)? All the derm said is that I should stay on it until I'm "stabilized," and then I should titrate off. That will be a while since I have this swollen mass in my smile line, plus two (hopefully healing) cysts around my chin and mouth.


Posted : 09/23/2015 4:31 pm

Please, someone. Please. This is going to take about a month to heal, and I will be left with a horrible red mark. I already have really bad red marks elsewhere. I do not know how to cope with this or to heal it. I should never have gotten this procedure done.


Posted : 09/24/2015 7:26 pm

Nobody can offer any support or advice?


Today, the skin all around the area is red and wrinkled. The center is still a greenish crater. The diameter of the wound seems to have increased. I can't cover it. I'm so depressed about the fact that I'll probably be out of commission for 2 weeks, but really more like a month.




Posted : 09/24/2015 8:12 pm


Hi Ocd,


I feel for you..I have been through almost the same thing. A few months ago I had 2 extractions. Was the first time I had extractions done. One went great, the other was pure hell. It also was right near my laugh line, mine was a clogged pore. It was a stupid lump, it wasn't red but it was bothering me, I wanted it out.


Well I knew there could be swelling afterwards, but I knew right went I got home it went haywire. It was a swollen red mess, and so much bigger than the original stupid lump. I was so pissed. Just like yours the area around it swelled. After a couple of days the major swelling went down, but I was still left with a cyst like wound with a disgusting scab on it. The worst part was I went on vacation like this to New Orleans.


On my 2nd day in New Orleans I couldn't take it. I found a derm, I wanted to get cortisone shot even though there was scab. Luckily I found a good derm and he gave me shot right into scab area. The scab area was so swollen. The next day it went down considerably. Of course I was left w big red mark but it looked so much better not swollen. Also when the swelling goes down the healing of the skin can begin.


Not sure if cortisone shot wld be right for you feel lump, or is it just the whole area swollen? Maybe you cld go to different derm and get an opinion? Maybe a short course of prednisone could help...


I know how hard and upsetting this all is, I completely understand...It totally sucks. I hope you get relief very soon!


Posted : 09/25/2015 8:56 am

Thank you for responding, ShadyLee! Seriously. I am so thankful that someone finally responded.


The major swelling from the procedure has gone down, but it's like the scab has increased in size. She only lanced a tiny bump, but she pushed and prodded all around that area, so I think the surrounding skin is very angry. I have the little indented scab in the center, which is yellowish-brown, surrounded by wrinkled, puckered volcanic walls of red skin. It's impossible to cover with makeup.


I've called the derm three times over the past three days - a couple of hours after the procedure, yesterday morning, and this morning. I talked to her assistant today, who seemed clueless. She said the healing process sounded normal. I told her that I don't understand how this is going to heal flat. I know I'll be left with a large red mark, and I know that'll last for years. That's just what my skin does, unfortunately. However, I don't want a raised, crusty area. Or a keloid. Or an indentation. It's such a sensitive patch of skin, and if it even heals flat, makeup will get clogged in the smile line when I smile.


I don't know if the scab will ever come off, or if the surrounding skin will heal level with the rest of the skin, or if the scab will heal level with the rest of the skin. It's a crater with raised, wrinkly walls. The derm told me it would take a week for this to heal. We are at 48 hours, and it looks worse than ever. I feel utterly hopeless. Since there's no tenderness or an any bump leftover (believe me, she got rid of everything that was ever there or would ever be there, ugh), a cortisone shot would likely cause atrophy.


I'm going to go back in early next week if I don't see a marked improvement. At this stage of the game, I can't bear to spend more money just to have her tell me that it'll heal and that I just need to be patient. I'm still popping 200 milligrams Minocycline. Otherwise, she told me to use Vaseline/Aquaphor on the spot, but I almost feel like that prevents it from healing. I've used some Cetaphil Restoraderm moisturizer. That's the most I feel like doing right now, especially since I feel the compulsive need to wash it off and check it all the time. I wish I hadn't tried to powder the area yesterday. I'm afraid that set me back in terms of healing, but maybe not.


How long did your spot take to heal, and how long did the red mark last? I know your circumstances were different, but I'm curious.




Posted : 09/25/2015 9:43 am

I'm also scared now. I went to wash my face, and the raised, wrinkled skin around the area lifted off, so I used tweezers to gently remove it. I might have removed a tiny portion of the scab in the process. The surrounding area is bright red, which doesn't surprise me. I was a bit relieved that the wrinkly skin came off, but now I hate the redness, and I'm terrified that I've tampered with the scab healing process. I don't want an indented mark... I've applied Biafine all around the area for now and am forcing myself to not look at it. It stung a little bit when I applied the Biafine, so I bet I did remove a small portion of the scab... Think it'll scab back over and heal level?


Posted : 09/25/2015 6:28 pm

Hi Ocd,


My spot took a few weeks to completely go away, but after a couple of weeks it was livable for me. I completely understand what you're going through. I have very pale skin and every red mark stands out horribly. I also have had horrible cysts, wounds etc that took forever to heal, it totally sucks. I can't tell you how many times I have spent crying in the mirror and having anxiety abt my totally sucks. I have had several spots where I thought there was no way this will ever heal, but they do, it just takes time, I know the waiting SUCKS! I've also had the crinkly skin that has come off, the redness always got better.


Maybe you're trying too much on the area? Perhaps just wash it w gentle cleanser and either let it be or put aquaphor on it. Moist healing is suppose to be the way to go, less chance of scarring, i'm sure that's why your derm wants you to put it on. For some bizarre reason though I always did better with letting things scab up, my skin seemed to heal better, but I don't want to give you bad advice.


I hope you're feeling a little better..I know how horrible it feels..Hopefully in a few days it will be healing ..please keep me posted


Posted : 09/25/2015 7:06 pm

You truly understand what I'm going through. My OCD and anxiety are at an all-time high. I got spoiled by clear skin for a few months and only had to cover up a couple of fading pink marks every day. Then I got 2 cysts and flipped out. Then I got this milium or whatever it was, and I went overboard and opted for the extraction. It was way easier to cover up a smooth bump than a bright red, scabby patch. My mistake. Now I need to stop beating myself up for it.


I am trying to remain hopeful, but this reminds me too much of last year when I went through a similar situation and became a hermit for about a month due to a poorly-healing scab. The difference there was that I picked a cyst to death, then went in for a cortisone shot, then couldn't stop washing it and removing more skin. I need to remind myself that I'm not even 72 hours out from this procedure, and the dermatologist did it for me this time. I'm on antibiotics to increase the healing. There's nothing more to be picked. Now I just have to wait for the scab to heal. I don't have any major events to attend. And I have to keep living in the meantime. I have to force myself to dab a little powder on and get outside and do things. I have to force myself to wear extra eye makeup to detract attention from my scab and my healing cysts. I have to force myself to decrease my heart rate and adrenaline when I feel like I can't breathe after looking in the mirror. I have to believe that I won't keep breaking out instead of believing that I will. I have to believe in the healing process.


I'll get through it. I always have. I just want this to stop so that I can enjoy my life. I've had too many pimple and/or scab crises that halt my life. I have to stop that. I have to keep living.


Thank you, my dear. So much. I'm going to go wash my face now. I might panic a little bit, but I'm going to try to get a good night's sleep and calm down.


Posted : 09/25/2015 8:49 pm

I knew it. Washing my face was devastating. The skin is peeling in the area an inch around the scab. I am also peeling severely all over my chin, but I'm still breaking out. I feel hormonal zits forming around my chin and mouth, and I'm having breakthrough bleeding. I also have a couple zits on my cheeks, and there's something happening on my forehead. I don't remember the last time I went two nights without Retin-A, but it's going to have to happen. My existing cysts are redder and seem to be expanding again. When it rains, it pours. I hate this so, so much. I've slathered my whole face in Biafine. Hope it doesn't break me out.


Posted : 10/01/2015 3:26 pm


Hi ya OCD,


Checking in to see how you're doing..Hope everything started to clear!! Pls let me know! xo


Posted : 10/02/2015 7:15 pm

Hey! Aw, you're so sweet to check in. The scab is almost gone. Just a big red splotch is left. Not surprising. My skin is so fair that I probably won't ever get rid of the redness, but at least it's pretty flat. Just a few scab flakes left. I decreased to 100 milligrams Minocycline a couple of days ago, and I'm hoping that keeps me relatively clear for a few more weeks, then I'll go back off antibiotics entirely until I have another flare-up. I just wish I could get rid of my red marks. I'm still breaking out, but it's not too bad. It's definitely because places are turning on the heat now, so they're always way too hot, and I sweat too much.


Thanks for checking in! We're at the tail end of the issue! Just that hideous red mark now!


Posted : 10/02/2015 7:51 pm


Yayyy!! I'm so happy things are getting better. I know how much it sucks waiting for red marks to fade, but hopefully yours will go soon.


I hate the change of seasons..I tend to breakout ...winter to summer..summer to winter...


So glad you're doing better!


Posted : 10/02/2015 9:50 pm

Amen! All of the season changes mess with my skin! I get comfortable in a season and then a breakout hits when the weather changes!


Again, thank you. :) No doubt I'll be on here again in crisis within the next few months. So wonderful to have support from people like you!


Posted : 02/26/2018 9:03 pm

So I know this is long ago. I must say, if you have extractions yes you get red and if you have a milia of course you will be red after, the skin takes time to heal. It seems like you have no idea.....I am sure the derm explained to you the procedure? To open and take a milia out, if it was a milia, the doc has to make a small whole either from the side or from the top, then push the milia out gently. Milia is hard, like a rock! Always when extract of course you will be red and ofcourse it takes time to heal some areas. Do not go to a derm or to an ESTH if you are so scared of beeing seen with bad skin for some time then you have to deal with the milia, pustules, acne raised blackheads/comedies or whiteheads or irritated, inflamed skin. You as a person have to decide what is right for you. Then you will feel better about yourself
