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What's Causing This?


Posted : 05/02/2015 7:11 am

Honestly I'm getting beyond frustrated. I don't have severe acne, just mild to moderate with about 5-6 active pimples at one time, 1,2 being cystic,and more always on the rise. After struggling with trying to get it under control I decided to go vegan. I am now 100% vegan, no added/processed sugars, no processed oils, no junk food, no gluten, very little to no soy, and no caffeine. I'm basically on a raw diet, and have been for about 2 months now. And, I drink a gallon/a gallon and a half of water every day no fail. And my acne is the same/worse then ever. I've tried cutting the fruits, or the vegetables, or the nuts, and everything else in my diet, to no difference in my acne. I cant understand this. But I'm starting to think my acne has not a thing to do with my diet. My older brother had moderate to severe acne for a few months when he was around 15,16, but it went away in a few months never to return. No one in my family had anything else other than a few pimples here and there, so it's not genetic? I'm active, but do have a high stress job/college.


My skin care regimen is cleanse face at night to remove makeup, apply jojoba oil and a few drops of tea tree oil, and apply bentonite clay as spot treatment. Every other day or so I exfoliate gently with homeade sugar scrub. In the morning I wash face with water, and apply a tiny bit of jojoba oil for my moisturizer. I use a bentonite full clay mask once every two weeks or so. I use witch hazel as a toner.I've tried cutting various products in this regimen, to no difference in acne. Since useing jojoboa and tea tree oil, my skin is FAR less oily and the blackheads on my nose are almost completely gone. As far as makeup goes, I NEVER go to sleep with it on. I don't wear foundation, or powder, I just apply concealer to pimples and leave the rest bare. I've tried switching a billion concealers, nothing. I take 3000-4000mg evening primrose oil everyday. I don't touch my face nor pick at my pimples.


So, since my acne has been as worse than ever, and I couldn't figure it out, I stumbled across a thread here referring to useing vitamin d3. It would 100% make sense im low, considering I don't drink milk or use any products that really contain high amounts of vitamin d, I'm inside allot do to college and my job, and during summer months when Im super active in the sun my acne nearly 100% clears up. I plan to get tested for my deficiency levels though anyway. So, I don't expect vitamin d to be a cure all as nothing ive found ever is, but do plan on starting to take it. Anyone who's ever tried it, how many iu a day? And can I take it in conjunction with primrose oil? I've read you need to take it in conjunction with vitamin a in order to keep toxicity levels balanced, is this true?


Anyway, what else can I do to start fighting my acne? I've tried internal, external, different diets, different products, to no avail. I just had a HORRIBLE outbreak where I usually get my hormonal acne, and I'm wondering if this is just hormonal? As tmi but my periods been out of whack as of late. Is it that my diet is too strict and I'm getting too deficient in vitamins? Last time I was truly clear of acne for longer than a day was in December, and I was still eating incredible amounts of junk food. I don't think diet triggers my acne... What supplements should I be taking if any? Mostly, What exactly could be causing my acne???


Posted : 05/04/2015 9:24 pm

Also, even though I only have about 5-6 severe ones at once, my skin is bumpy pretty much all over, specifically my forehead, temples, and on the sides of my mouth, with what seems to be under skin micro pimples. They are awful.


Posted : 05/27/2015 10:43 pm

Sounds to me like it may be hormonal. Go to your doctor and ask them to check your hormone levels.

In regards to supplements, I would reccomend zinc, vitamin D and B12 as you are vegan.

I am also vegan and I put spirulina into my smoothies every day and this is packed with nutrients.

Let us know how it goes.


Posted : 05/30/2015 8:17 am

I definitely agree with the above poster regarding hormone testing though saliva testing may be more useful than blood testing or so I've read.


Extremely restrictive diets are never good and can definitely worsen things. If you can afford it, definitely see a good naturopath who can steer you on the right path. As for a derm, I am all about trying natural but sometime seeing a derm may help until you can figure out things internally. Breathe and prepare for a long trial and error process.


Just remember you're not alone in your struggle.
