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Coconut Oil- Good Or Bad?


Posted : 05/21/2014 5:08 pm

I bought some coconut oil to put on after I bathe. I've been using argan oil, but I've heard so much about coconut oil that I decided to give it a shot. Anyway, out of curiosity I ran it through cosdna. It came up as a 4 for acne and a 1 irritant! I see all this stuff about it helping acne, though. I don't understand. If it's a 4 comedogenic then how does it help acne? Shouldn't it break you out like crazy?


Posted : 05/27/2014 2:21 pm

I have read so different things about coco oil. Some say that as an oil it does clog and causes breakouts. Others say that it is awsome as an acne treatment. I have a male friend in his 40's that prays to that.

I havent used it, but i once used for a couple of days castor oil which is also supposed to be safe and absorb well, but i broke out like hell.

So, i am hesitant. I guess it depends to the reaction of each skin to the product.


Posted : 05/29/2014 9:51 am

I have read so different things about coco oil. Some say that as an oil it does clog and causes breakouts. Others say that it is awsome as an acne treatment. I have a male friend in his 40's that prays to that.

I havent used it, but i once used for a couple of days castor oil which is also supposed to be safe and absorb well, but i broke out like hell.

So, i am hesitant. I guess it depends to the reaction of each skin to the product.

I've used it on my body a few times without any issues. I'm still very hesitant to put it on my face though. I looked into it a little more, and apparently the size of your pores makes a difference. The article I read said that if you have smaller pores, it won't clog them.. but if you have the larger pores typically associated with oily skin that it will clog.

It's kind of strange, I've read all of this good stuff about it.. but I don't feel like it actually moisturizes my skin. After it dries, my skin doesn't feel or look any different. I've actually put some on my lips, and I'm convinced it made them drier! I've never had lip problems, but since putting that oil on them during the day they are cracked. So I'm having a hard time figuring out what all the hype is about. I do love the coconut smell, though.


Posted : 06/14/2014 1:34 am

Coconut oil is good for our skin. Actually I am using a natural facial mask that has coconut oil and betacarotene. Coconut oil is one of best moisturizer in the skin. It leaves your skin smooth and soft while carrot oil that has betacarotene prevent premature aging of the skin. I recommend this to anyone who wants to have a glowing and healthy skin.


Posted : 06/14/2014 9:16 pm


I've been using coconut oil on my face every night for over a year and it's never made me break out. My skin has been almost completely clear over for a year now (due to a gluten free diet and zinc based foundation).


I massage coconut oil into my face and then wipe it off with a clean dry wash cloth. It removes my makeup, cleans my skin and moisturises in one step. This is all I do at night to my face, whether I wore make up that day or not.


The occasional little breakouts I do get are from slipping in my gluten free diet (gives me cysts) or my period approaching (gives me small whiteheads). But the daily coconut oil has never exacerbated or caused a problem.

ETA: It could depend on the quality of the coconut oil. Also, I use a spoon to get it out, so I get no bacteria in the jar.


Posted : 06/25/2014 2:54 pm

Depends on your skin. My skin does fine with coconut oil as a vehicle for certain powders to make my masks. However, I can not use vitamin e oil anywhere on my face as I get contact dermatitis within 24 hours everytime and end up with clusters of bumps, this includes my lips so I only use petroleum jelly there.


Posted : 07/07/2014 12:54 am

Typically a moisturizer has a humectant. The humectant draws water from the air into the skin.

Coconut oil is an ANTI-HUMECTANT meaning it REPELS water. Anti-humectants are often used to repel humidity in hair (for example, if you have curly hair that gets frizzy in humidity because of the water in the air, you apply coconut oil to the hair because it keeps the moisture OUT). This is why the coconut oil starts to feel like it is drying you out because it is keeping water from entering your skin from the air.

Other examples of anti-humectants:



Hydrogenated Castor Oil


Plant Triglycerides: Coconut Oil, Palm Oil, Olive Oil, Shea Butter

Examples of HUMECTANTS: hyaluronic acid, glycerin, there are others but I'm tired of typing :)


Posted : 07/24/2014 6:30 am

Coconut oil is great for keeping acne at bay. It also helps strengthen underlying skin tissue and removes dead cells at the surface of the skin that make skin appear dry and flaky. Coconut oil provides deep and real moisture to your skin thereby hydrating and moisturizing dehydrated skin. Did you know that coconut oil is natures richest source of lauric acid? Whats more is that coconut oil also contains caprylic acid. Both lauric and caprylic acid have powerful antibacterial, antifungal and antimicrobial properties that naturally combat acne and pimples as well as stave off fungal infections.


Posted : 07/30/2014 10:16 pm

Some people breakout when they apply on their skin is not because it causes acne, it actually draws/purges the zits/toxins out of the skin. The purging process could take 1-3 weeks, it varies for different individuals...


Posted : 07/30/2014 10:41 pm

Yessss!!! I swear by this I wish I could go back to my old regime just don't know if I remember but I had lots of compliments now my skin is horrible:( but from wht I remember I was using


*Coconut oil

*Clean and clear advantage 2%

*Apricot scrub only for mild acne (don't recommend for severe)

*Ultra hydrating moisturizer by cetaphil

*Aloe vera plant had great great results:( I'm sad now but glad I remembered now I need to go shopping to pick these up!


By the way the 2% salicidic acid was only used 1 or twice a week because of its harshness.


Posted : 08/19/2014 12:01 am

i really dislike coconut oil as a topical treatment. i have tried the oil (unrefined) on my skin and it completely dries me out. I also tried dr.bronner's magic soap bar for a week on my skin and broke out horribly.

i really love jojoba and sweet almond. I am going to try out safflower soon, but I think jojoba is my favorite for oil cleansing and moisturizing


Posted : 08/21/2014 9:51 am

Coconut oil, like most oils, will require a trial and error approach. Everyone's skin is slightly different and what works amazingly well for one person may break someone else out horribly. I've found this to be very true with coconut oil in particular. There is no way to know what reaction you will have unless you try it. Perhaps spot test on one area for a while to see how your skin handles it.

Also, the comedogenic rating of any ingredient doesn't really mean much. It just means that it made the skin on a rabbit's ears breakout. Just because the rabbit's skin reacts poorly to the ingredient does not necessarily mean your skin will.
