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Huge Head And Shoulders Shoutout


Posted : 04/27/2014 4:54 pm

Hey Folks,

As a common viewer of these forums I have waited to post my loads of personal testing until finally finding a fantastic acne solution for myself. Feel free to hit up the TLDR section if my life story bores you. Its not much of a story, more of just a series of bullets that define myself and the things I have tried.

I am 20 years old, male, short hair, bla bla bla. I used to have sever acne on my back, and mild acne along my hairlines and temples/forehead. My dermatologist recommended me accutane, but I feel he left out oodles and oodles of important imformation in regards to its many side effects. I decided to hit up accutane for 6 months on a 40mg dose. My god did it dry me out! towards the end of the treatment my sever back acne was completely gone however my temples/forehead and hairline still contained pimples except it was COMPLETELY red almost day in and day out. My face looked irritated as hell! And I personally felt it made a previously cute face really creepy :(. I couldn't shake the redness no matter what I did! Shortly after the treatment I would notice periodic breakouts. I recently figured out that shampoo and conditioner were the culprit to my breakouts. This was particularly frustrating for me. There was another terrible side effect to the accutane I haven't mentioned. My hair GOT DRY! I had a constant trade off I had to balance for the next 9 months of my life. Dry frizzy thin hair which revealed small skin patches above my ears along with an unclean body OR a conditioned hair feeling and breakouts. I usually chose the dirty non acne side of things and would go without showering for days at a time. Along with the shower droughts I had also tried: No Poo method, tons and tons of shampoos and conditioners, proactive, meany cleansers and conditioner treatments. It was very hard to treat my acne directly because of how close it was to my hairline. I ended up bleaching my hair one time revealing which really sucked! I have also tried: cod liver oil, vitamin E, biotin, multi vitamin, ACV supplements but nothing helped. If i chose to be clean, an extremely red pimple ridden temples/hairline/forehead was showing! That battle has been going on for the last 9 months of my life (the point from being off accutane until now).


I now shower with Head and Shoulders Classic Clean shampoo! and the conditioner as well. The results are baffling. within one sleep after using the shampoo:

Redness severely down,

No more breakouts,

hair shiny and beautiful,

face feels so clean,

acne scarring/redness along shoulders and back severely decreased,

keratosis pilaris on arms significantly down

Also, this shampoo has SLS in it which completely contradicts the OMG sulfates be causing breakouts hipster trend. I had been governing a lot of my shampoo buying (spending lots of money) based on the slufatesRbad trend. Perhaps it does cause breakouts in some individuals which I do have sympathy for, but not everyone!

Anyways if you have any sort of redness/pimple situation going on around your hairline/shoulders/back area, TRY this out.

It is very cheap and quickly effective. I wish everyone the best in their acne battles.

And HUGE shoutout to head and shoulders Classic Clean anti dandruff shampoo!
