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Head And Shoulders Acne Treatment


Posted : 07/21/2013 1:48 am

Hello Forum!

I am fairly new on here so I apologize beforehand if I have posted this in the wrong category.

I read some where online that HS classic clean shampoo is a great treatment for bacne. I read one person's story on how his bacne cleared up in two weeks. He said after shower, apply a thin layer of shampoo on the affected area and let it dry, and leave it on all day. So I did today and my skin was burning A LOT. When I came home, I immediately jumped in and took a shower and took a look at my back. I was shocked to see that wherever the shampoo was, it had like this red rash all over! They look like little red dots, all over my back and it burns sooooo much. I don't know what to do. Can anyone please help me with this? Is this normal?

And also, is HS good clearing bacne scars? I have scars on my upper back and shoulders from acne. They're brown and flat, not too noticeable really. But I would still like it to be gone. Thanks!


Posted : 07/21/2013 3:40 am

i think u have posted a similar thread earlier.

if u have,i request you not to continue making duplicate threads in the same forum.

i'd suggest to not jump into trials reading every other post here.

most of us here have made that mistake initially but as u stay here,u'll understand what i mean.

HS is harsh in many ways. and to leave it on all day is a bad idea.

i wouldnt be surprised if u got dermatitis from it.

use of anti-fungal shampoo is meant for fungal foliculitis.not not bacterial folliculitis.

also,use of a good anti-dandruff/anti-fungal shampoo with more than one active ingredient in mild % is important.

plus the application and time matters.

not more than 10-15 fact,when i used scalpe once or twice,i left it for less than 5 minutes,just on the spots(bumps).

if they are hormonal(most bacne are) or bacterial then u will see less/no result from HS(except for ones with zinc compound).

do they itch?


Posted : 07/22/2013 1:01 am

Thanks for replying. I have not posted this anywhere else and I do apologize for not doing my research on HS.

They were burning a lot, so I took a shower and put aloe vera gel all over the area. The redness is gone and they all turned into scabs, I think. I feels like my skin has been scraped so I guess it's healing now, I'm not sure.

So do you think I should continue this treatment? I have done three more times since that time, but this time I lather it into a foam and leave it on for a few minutes before rinsing. Will this get rid of the scars?


Posted : 07/23/2013 12:30 pm

definitely not.

if u have got scabs now,just let them heal themselves.DO NOT MESS NOW.

just keep applying real aloe vera(if its a product then make sure it doesnt have harsh chemicals or ingredients that are comedogenic,irritating or paraben/SLS etc.)

if they get really inflamed at any point u could use some ice but otherwise just let them be untill they heal themselves.
