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Mixing Natural And Chemical


Posted : 06/07/2013 7:47 am

OK here is my store and my questions....

I started using Jojoba Oil with Tea Tree, Lavender, Rosemary and Rose Hop, taking MSM supplements, using Manuka Honey as a mask and Castor Oil with Jojoba for OCM. Now I've started all of these around the same time. I know they are suppose to purge your skin. And my skin is soo horrible now, seems like every pore has something happening. Obviously this is upsetting. Does anyone know how long does purging usually take? Or does it depend on each person?

So here is what I am wondering, would I screw anything up if I started to use my drugstore Acne wash again while transitioning to a natural regime? Its really bad and I was hoping I could use it to keep my acne down while I'm purging. Then I would ween off of it when the purging seems to be ending.
Any advice? Thanks :)

Posted : 06/07/2013 8:16 am

Purging from those should only cause an initial breakout that lasts about 2 weeks, meaning you're getting clogged pores or your clogged pores are turning into pimples/cysts. If your skin is still getting worse after 2-3 months then that is not from purging. Another way to know if your skin is purging or breaking out, have you gotten acne in new places? If you are that's usually not from purging. Also that sounds like a ton of things to be using on your skin, simpler is usually better. You wrote "rose hop" did you mean "rosehip" because rose hip oil should be avoided with acne prone skin.


OK here is my store and my questions....

I started using Jojoba Oil with Tea Tree, Lavender, Rosemary and Rose Hop, taking MSM supplements, using Manuka Honey as a mask and Castor Oil with Jojoba for OCM. Now I've started all of these around the same time. I know they are suppose to purge your skin. And my skin is soo horrible now, seems like every pore has something happening. Obviously this is upsetting. Does anyone know how long does purging usually take? Or does it depend on each person?

So here is what I am wondering, would I screw anything up if I started to use my drugstore Acne wash again while transitioning to a natural regime? Its really bad and I was hoping I could use it to keep my acne down while I'm purging. Then I would ween off of it when the purging seems to be ending.
Any advice? Thanks smile.png

Posted : 06/10/2013 11:06 am

Purging from those should only cause an initial breakout that lasts about 2 weeks, meaning you're getting clogged pores or your clogged pores are turning into pimples/cysts. If your skin is still getting worse after 2-3 months then that is not from purging. Another way to know if your skin is purging or breaking out, have you gotten acne in new places? If you are that's usually not from purging. Also that sounds like a ton of things to be using on your skin, simpler is usually better. You wrote "rose hop" did you mean "rosehip" because rose hip oil should be avoided with acne prone skin.

OK here is my store and my questions....

I started using Jojoba Oil with Tea Tree, Lavender, Rosemary and Rose Hop, taking MSM supplements, using Manuka Honey as a mask and Castor Oil with Jojoba for OCM. Now I've started all of these around the same time. I know they are suppose to purge your skin. And my skin is soo horrible now, seems like every pore has something happening. Obviously this is upsetting. Does anyone know how long does purging usually take? Or does it depend on each person?

So here is what I am wondering, would I screw anything up if I started to use my drugstore Acne wash again while transitioning to a natural regime? Its really bad and I was hoping I could use it to keep my acne down while I'm purging. Then I would ween off of it when the purging seems to be ending.
Any advice? Thanks smile.png

Its only been about 2 weeks, but things seem to keep getting worse. I have since stopped OCM and will stop the essential oils to be able to figure out if I'm having a reaction from those or not. I originally bought Rose Hip for scars and didn't realize it could worsen acne.

New places is hard to tell. I'm going to say no because even though I am breaking out farther and more the places like my neck area below my chin line, I have before just not most of the time.

For now I'm just going to use Jojoba Oil and MSM, and the honey mask. I will also use an acne wash that I used to before that I know can clear me up alot so I will wait and test out the others later at separate times to see if I have bad reactions.

