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Turmeric- Orally And/or Topically- Share Experiences Here


Posted : 05/22/2013 3:42 am

Hi everybody! Please do share your experiences of using turmeric here, whether you have used it orally or topically or both. Please explain the procedure/method of use, the duration, the results and your opinion. I'll be grateful for all the responses I can get. Please do reply people, this could help me and a lot of people out there who have had it with prescription drugs and want to go all natural.

Please do reply!


Posted : 05/22/2013 8:23 am



Posted : 05/22/2013 8:55 am

I've been using turmeric for about 3 or 4 months. orally. I started out with organic powder and now I take concentrated capsules. I'm not taking it for acne, but I haven't noticed any difference in my acne as a result.


Posted : 05/22/2013 1:54 pm

I've been using turmeric for about 3 or 4 months. orally. I started out with organic powder and now I take concentrated capsules. I'm not taking it for acne, but I haven't noticed any difference in my acne as a result.

Thanks for your response! How much do you take? I have started with half a spoon daily for my sinus problem. If it prevents breakouts, that will be an added bonus. I'm using it topically too for less than a week so too early to comment.


Posted : 05/22/2013 6:17 pm

I was doing a spoon full a day of the powder for about 3 months, now I take these capsules from "me first living". Turmeric extract - 500mg twice a day - 95% curcuminoids. it also has 3mg of black pepper extract. acne is totally unchanged. not a heaping spoon full, but enough to be considered a spoon full.


Posted : 05/23/2013 2:45 am

I was doing a spoon full a day of the powder for about 3 months, now I take these capsules from "me first living". Turmeric extract - 500mg twice a day - 95% curcuminoids. it also has 3mg of black pepper extract. acne is totally unchanged. not a heaping spoon full, but enough to be considered a spoon full.

Okay thanks! Looks like you have given it a fair chance but it hasn't worked.


Posted : 05/23/2013 3:44 am

I used to buy bulk organic turmeric from whole foods, and fill 00 capsules with it and a little black pepper. I would take 2-6 daily. Didn't help much with acne, did however help overall skin tone. I took it for several months, but i stopped because i still was getting new acne and i felt like it made me smell like i always was eating curry.


Posted : 05/23/2013 8:51 am

I used to buy bulk organic turmeric from whole foods, and fill 00 capsules with it and a little black pepper. I would take 2-6 daily. Didn't help much with acne, did however help overall skin tone. I took it for several months, but i stopped because i still was getting new acne and i felt like it made me smell like i always was eating curry.

Thanks! Haven't you ever tried it topically?


Posted : 05/23/2013 1:18 pm

As a chef I always pack in into wounds, and it seriously works wonders in that sense. But I wouldn't want to rub it on my face because it dyes your skin yellow.


Posted : 05/24/2013 8:01 am

As a chef I always pack in into wounds, and it seriously works wonders in that sense. But I wouldn't want to rub it on my face because it dyes your skin yellow.

I'm an Indian but I have very fair skin by Indian standards. But I admit that you must be fairer. I'm saying this because turmeric causes temporary staining. It comes right off with a cleanser.

Do try it out. I use a honey and turmeric mask sometimes and in case I get a pimple, I use turmeric (with water) paste on it as a spot treatment.


Posted : 05/28/2013 4:27 pm

NO NO NO NO! Turmeric is not a treatment for acne.

Haldi/ Turmeric is known to be "Hot" and if anything it will make your acne worse.

Now there are some really effective Herbal treatments out there that will take your acne/spots and even scars away.

Now the thing is acne/spots are caused by toxins in your blood so you need to take something that will target the root of the problem. If your just applying a cream your typically suppressing it and then it just all comes back out again. There is something that I used that i ate...... yes you head right. After eating it for 2 weeks (maybe even 3) it just cleared it all away. And trust me I had tried everything else!

I have given it to my friends and family over the last 14 years and everyone has seen a difference in a week and cleared away their spots with very little effort.

So no to Turmeric and try something that is proven to work!


Posted : 06/03/2013 8:38 am

I'm actually using turmeric orally now to try and calm my skin. I've been taking 1,200mg of turmeric per day in the form of powdered supplement pills from Holland and Barrett. I've only been doing this for a week and a half but, so far, sadly no positive news to report. I'm holding out hope as I've heard great things from others, but I've seen no improvement yet.


Posted : 09/24/2013 6:25 am

Looking around for help for my sons acne and I came across tumeric as a treatment. We tried out one mask last night which involved making a paste of garbanzo bean flour, tumeric, yogurt, grape seed oil and a little bit of lime juice. I tried it first to see if it burned or irritated at all ( I have rosacea which is well controlled, but skin is still pretty sensitive so I figured I would be the guinea pig for this one.) It felt very soothing, which surprised me-- probably the yogurt. It didn't smell bad either-- a little like lime from the lime juice. There was no staining, which also surprised me. Maybe the yogurt or the teaspoon of grape seed oil? My son thought it felt pleasant as well and left it on for 20 minutes. Then he went on with the rest of his usual treatments a pimple cream, (new here-- can I mention which kind?), clindamyacin and a clay type mask product to put on the 'hot' spots. This morning his skin looked better-- less redness, no new blemishes and the existing ones seemed to be going away. We are going day by day with this, but are going to try this for about a week to see if there is any real benefit to it. Cautiously optimistic ( been there before) so I will update about success or failure. Son is also taking minocycline for the acne as well as the topical clindamycin-- but it's not working all that great so we are trying to find alternatives.


Update: 9/29/13. This treatment is going really well! So far-- hardly a trace of redness, no new blemishes and the old ones are shrinking and healing really fast. I am surprised, but happy with the result. He is continuing on the minocycline, clindomyacin, sulphur type soap and clay treatment he had been using previously-- though we did not see this kind of improvement on just those alone until he added the tumeric mask.


Posted : 11/12/2013 10:26 pm

NO NO NO NO! Turmeric is not a treatment for acne.

Haldi/ Turmeric is known to be "Hot" and if anything it will make your acne worse.

Now there are some really effective Herbal treatments out there that will take your acne/spots and even scars away.

Now the thing is acne/spots are caused by toxins in your blood so you need to take something that will target the root of the problem. If your just applying a cream your typically suppressing it and then it just all comes back out again. There is something that I used that i ate...... yes you head right. After eating it for 2 weeks (maybe even 3) it just cleared it all away. And trust me I had tried everything else!

I have given it to my friends and family over the last 14 years and everyone has seen a difference in a week and cleared away their spots with very little effort.

So no to Turmeric and try something that is proven to work!

What kind of herbal treatments do you use and eat?


Posted : 11/17/2013 2:45 am

NO NO NO NO! Turmeric is not a treatment for acne.

Haldi/ Turmeric is known to be "Hot" and if anything it will make your acne worse.

Now there are some really effective Herbal treatments out there that will take your acne/spots and even scars away.

Now the thing is acne/spots are caused by toxins in your blood so you need to take something that will target the root of the problem. If your just applying a cream your typically suppressing it and then it just all comes back out again. There is something that I used that i ate...... yes you head right. After eating it for 2 weeks (maybe even 3) it just cleared it all away. And trust me I had tried everything else!

I have given it to my friends and family over the last 14 years and everyone has seen a difference in a week and cleared away their spots with very little effort.

So no to Turmeric and try something that is proven to work!

Just because you have tried it doesn't mean you should be handing out guarantees. Acne is linked to more than just "toxins" sure they do not help, but there is more to the story than that. If acne was solely toxins then many people that try pills, and diets for example would be cured. No so.

Turmeric is anti inflammatory which does help the skin in inflammatory, pustular acne. Turmeric in the its root form is better to take than the powder or pills. Pills will cause limited effects and GI distress.

I understand the whole "hot" and "cold" remedies that you mention by the way. Just don't see much as a result when compared to other therapies.
