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Clear Skin Without Benzoyl Peroxide?


Posted : 03/21/2013 5:06 pm

So I did the regimen several years back, and it worked very well, except I user 10% BP. The thing is that it is very costly so I stopped. The second I stopped using BP I broke out like nuts. Currently still have acne for several years. BP is really expensive because it keeps adding up.


Posted : 03/21/2013 5:19 pm

Are there any other BP products in your local store? BP is pretty common.


Posted : 03/21/2013 7:27 pm

The thing is BP always seems to come in small bottles, i mean it lasts only for like 1/2 a month. And like in the regimen, you need a generous amount of BP to work.


Posted : 03/21/2013 7:49 pm

The thing is BP always seems to come in small bottles, i mean it lasts only for like 1/2 a month. And like in the regimen, you need a generous amount of BP to work.

Have you ever considered using Dan's BP? For a pretty big bottle it comes out cheap. And I see that you live in the US so shipping shouldn't cost that much especially if you order in bulk.


Posted : 03/21/2013 9:39 pm

The thing is BP always seems to come in small bottles, i mean it lasts only for like 1/2 a month. And like in the regimen, you need a generous amount of BP to work.

Have you ever considered using Dan's BP? For a pretty big bottle it comes out cheap. And I see that you live in the US so shipping shouldn't cost that much especially if you order in bulk.

I just checked it out and yeah it isn't a bad price. But, another problem that happens when I did do the regimen in the past is that I became dependent. I honestly don't want to use the regimen for the rest of my life. The second I stopped the regimen, the second acne started again.


Posted : 03/21/2013 9:53 pm

The thing is BP always seems to come in small bottles, i mean it lasts only for like 1/2 a month. And like in the regimen, you need a generous amount of BP to work.

Have you ever considered using Dan's BP? For a pretty big bottle it comes out cheap. And I see that you live in the US so shipping shouldn't cost that much especially if you order in bulk.

I just checked it out and yeah it isn't a bad price. But, another problem that happens when I did do the regimen in the past is that I became dependent. I honestly don't want to use the regimen for the rest of my life. The second I stopped the regimen, the second acne started again.

Yes, honestly thinking about doing something for the rest of your life can sound pretty tiring. Other people try to go on medication or diet changes to be able to get rid of the acne problem permanently. I have tried going the diet change and it has helped but not completely. I am also not willing to go on accutane for many reasons. But doing Dan's regimen is the happy medium I am willing to work with to stay clear. I get clear skin and still eat those foods they said can cause acne.

I guess what I'm trying to say is find what works for you and your lifestyle. What you are willing to do and make compromises on. In the end, different things work differently for everybody.


Posted : 04/23/2013 3:15 pm

Your skin doesn't get "dependent" on the Benzoyl Peroxide. The only time your skin may have a reaction when stopping a product is if it has parabens in it, which doesn't happen to a lot of people. Your skin is simply clear on benzoyl peroxide because it is a treatment, not a cure. When you stop killing and slightly drying up the acne (which is what bp does), you're going to get it back. Your skin will stop having acne on it's own if and when it wants to, regardless of benzoyl peroxide. You may or may not have to do the regimen forever, but if it's not the regimen it's something else until your skin decides to stop overproducing the bacteria acne is or the sebum it feeds off of in most cases.


Posted : 05/03/2013 3:25 am

I use a little of dan's BP but there are some other key things I know that definitely help my skin and prevent breakouts. You can also try using tea tree oil as a BP substitue. For myself I find that diet plays a huge role in acne. I find that avoiding dairy products, nuts, soy, oranges and onions help to prevent my acne the most. Also things that lead to acne are: stress, lack of sleep and eating too much wheat/gluten. Also try taking a B vitamin and pro biotic (I use ones called pearls) in the morning and drink lots of water with lemon in it. That's a lot there but doing these has helped me so much! But probably what helped me the most was elminating dairy from my diet. Hope that helps!


Posted : 05/16/2013 8:20 am

I don't use BP because while it's effective, I got really sick of bleached clothes despite my best efforts to be careful. Salicylic acid is the most common treatment next to BP. I like using charcoal treatments and apple cider vinegar as a toner, I feel like this does just as well for me.


Posted : 05/19/2013 2:45 pm

Try Emuaid acne overnight it doesn't contain benzoyl peroxide and will definitely help.
