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Isolaz Patients: Fat Loss/indentations After Treatment?


Posted : 01/19/2012 11:11 pm

I just did a series of 3 treatments. (I've had it done before, but at a weaker strength.) On this last one, she did an extra pulse without asking me and now, hours later, that area is still pink.


I just read that IPL (which the Isolaz uses) can cause fat atrophy, and I'm scared. Has this happened to anyone?


I learned my lesson, and I'm praying for no fat loss from this.


Posted : 05/29/2013 7:46 pm

hi im from Minneapolis I hope u respond I want to know where you got ur isolaz laser done. I did the smoothbeam laser and it did not work . wanted to try another laser

since im allergic to antibiotics. and how much did each one cost . each treatment of smoothbeam cost me about 300.. I did 6 .. was depressed since it did not work out..


Posted : 06/20/2013 3:14 pm

It can cause fat loss if they use RF/Thermage along with the broadband light. Some machines have RF built into the head so it is always on, some you can turn it off, some don't have it all. You'll need to ask them what they used.
