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Post pill acne - help!


Posted : 07/04/2023 4:39 pm

I came off the pill, Lucette, in November 2022 after deciding a break was needed after approximately 10 years on birth control.

Prior to the pill Id been on accutane 3 times and tried every antibiotic / topical treatment the doctor would give me. My acne would always come back after the treatment, the only thing that kept it consistently clear was the pill.

Since coming off the pill my acne has slowly crept back, now its the worst its ever been, cystic acne along my jaw and cheeks, indicating clear hormonal acne.

I dont want to give in and just go back on the pill as I know I cant do that forever but the self esteem is so low right now that I cant go out the house without make up and even with make up I feel so self conscious.

This is my current routine:

Zinc citrate

botanycl supplement (contains Vit A, C, coconut oil powder, saw palmetto and sunflower oil)

evening primrose oil

probiotic (started yesterday)


Skin better science oxygen face wash PM

hylaronic acid & niacinamide - Ordinary

moistruiser - cetaphil

monthly peels (only had 1 so far)

Ive been taking the supplements for 4 months and my skin has only gotten worse. Ive significantly reduced my dairy intake and Im eating a lot of fruit and veg. I drink spearmint and other fruit teas recommended for hormonal acne.

Should I carry on doing what Im doing? Im going to ring the doctor to request blood tests as Im seriously at loss what more I can do other than resort back to the pill or antibiotics.. Id appreciate ANY help / advice. Im spending hours and hours reading online a day and it just seems to be getting worse with 4/5 new cysts each day and at 27, I just had hoped this wouldnt become such an issue again 🙁

This topic was modified 11 months ago by SeamlessSea

Posted : 07/06/2023 2:05 am

I saw the doctor yesterday to request blood tests for my hormones which I am due to get today and for my thyroid.

She prescribed me Lymecycline, even though I explained Ive been on antibiotics so many times and accutane 3 times. She was very dismissive really but did say that I will probably need a referral to the dermatologist and to call back in 6 weeks.

I think Im going to take the antibiotics alongside probiotics, I know long term it might not be best but just for a temporary relief as the acne is so painful and inflamed 🙁 its just so hard to stay positive when there are such big sore cysts everyday, my jaw is covered today.

im hoping the blood test shows something which I can then attempt to work on alongside the antibiotics to prepare me for when I come off them. I dont know if this is the right thing to do as I know antibiotics are so bad for you but it seems the only option now other than to go back on birth control


Any advice would be amazing, Im endlessly reading these forums at the moment

This post was modified 11 months ago by SeamlessSea
Member Admin

Posted : 07/12/2023 2:31 pm

Have you tried the regimen? It's easy and works better than anything really.
