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READ - Acne improving when off topicals ?


Posted : 06/10/2020 7:04 pm

for 8 YEARS I have suffered with acne, on soo many different topicals / pills. But, for the past like 4 years ive been on Aczone and Tazorac and theyve been keeping away bad acne, but I still get sooo many pimples... to the point I have been thinking about Accutane. Well, for the past 2 weeks I completely got off both of my topicals ... and my skin has been better ??? Like I have only gotten 2 pimples in the last 2weeks. Has this happened to anyone else? Like maybe I just needed to get off the topicals and they were really harming my skin? Right now I am only using Cetaphil face wash and their moisturizer. Anyone have this same experience????


Posted : 06/11/2020 9:31 am

There is only so much topicals can do, and often the problem with chronic, persistent acne is with diet
